test_name '#4131: should not create host without IP attribute' tag 'audit:low', 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name` 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a # host running this, or require special permissions. agents.each do |agent| file = agent.tmpfile('4131-require-ip') step 'configure the target system for the test' on agent, "rm -rf #{file} ; touch #{file}" step 'try to create the host, which should fail' # REVISIT: This step should properly need to handle the non-zero exit code, # and #5668 has been filed to record that. When it is fixed this test will # start to fail, and this comment will tell you why. --daniel 2010-12-24 on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}", 'host_aliases=alias')) do unless agent['locale'] == 'ja' fail_test "puppet didn't complain about the missing attribute" unless stderr.include? 'ip is a required attribute for hosts' end end step 'verify that the host was not added to the file' on(agent, "cat #{file} ; rm -f #{file}") do fail_test 'the host was apparently added to the file' if stdout.include? 'test' end end