test_name 'should query all hosts from hosts file' tag 'audit:low', 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name` 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a # host running this, or require special permissions. content = ' test1 test1.local test2 test2.local test3 test3.local test4 test4.local ' agents.each do |agent| backup = agent.tmpfile('host-query-all') step 'configure the system for testing (including file backups)' on agent, "cp /etc/hosts #{backup}" on agent, 'cat > /etc/hosts', stdin: content step 'query all host records using puppet' on(agent, puppet_resource('host')) do found = stdout.scan(%r{host \{ '([^']+)'}).flatten.sort fail_test "the list of returned hosts was wrong: #{found.join(', ')}" unless found == ['test1', 'test2', 'test3', 'test4'] count = stdout.scan(%r{ensure\s+=>\s+'present'}).length fail_test "found #{count} records, wanted 4" unless count == 4 end step 'clean up the system afterwards' on agent, "cat #{backup} > /etc/hosts && rm -f #{backup}" end