diff options
2 files changed, 25 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 7f91a3f..e1d5f7b 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -84,28 +84,3 @@ EOM
-desc "verify that commit messages match CONTRIBUTING.md requirements"
-task(:commits) do
- # This rake task looks at the summary from every commit from this branch not
- # in the branch targeted for a PR.
- commit_range = 'HEAD^..HEAD'
- puts "Checking commits #{commit_range}"
- %x{git log --no-merges --pretty=%s #{commit_range}}.each_line do |commit_summary|
- # This regex tests for the currently supported commit summary tokens.
- # The exception tries to explain it in more full.
- if /^\((maint|packaging|doc|docs|modules-\d+)\)|revert/i.match(commit_summary).nil?
- raise "\n\n\n\tThis commit summary didn't match CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines:\n" \
- "\n\t\t#{commit_summary}\n" \
- "\tThe commit summary (i.e. the first line of the commit message) should start with one of:\n" \
- "\t\t(MODULES-<digits>) # this is most common and should be a ticket at tickets.puppet.com\n" \
- "\t\t(docs)\n" \
- "\t\t(docs)(DOCUMENT-<digits>)\n" \
- "\t\t(packaging)\n"
- "\t\t(maint)\n" \
- "\n\tThis test for the commit summary is case-insensitive.\n\n\n"
- else
- puts "#{commit_summary}"
- end
- puts "...passed"
- end
diff --git a/rakelib/commits.rake b/rakelib/commits.rake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a900ee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rakelib/commits.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+desc "verify that commit messages match CONTRIBUTING.md requirements"
+task(:commits) do
+ # This rake task looks at the summary from every commit from this branch not
+ # in the branch targeted for a PR.
+ commit_range = 'HEAD^..HEAD'
+ puts "Checking commits #{commit_range}"
+ %x{git log --no-merges --pretty=%s #{commit_range}}.each_line do |commit_summary|
+ # This regex tests for the currently supported commit summary tokens.
+ # The exception tries to explain it in more full.
+ if /^\((maint|packaging|doc|docs|modules-\d+)\)|revert/i.match(commit_summary).nil?
+ raise "\n\n\n\tThis commit summary didn't match CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines:\n" \
+ "\n\t\t#{commit_summary}\n" \
+ "\tThe commit summary (i.e. the first line of the commit message) should start with one of:\n" \
+ "\t\t(MODULES-<digits>) # this is most common and should be a ticket at tickets.puppet.com\n" \
+ "\t\t(docs)\n" \
+ "\t\t(docs)(DOCUMENT-<digits>)\n" \
+ "\t\t(packaging)\n"
+ "\t\t(maint)\n" \
+ "\n\tThis test for the commit summary is case-insensitive.\n\n\n"
+ else
+ puts "#{commit_summary}"
+ end
+ puts "...passed"
+ end