path: root/spec/acceptance
diff options
authorJosh Cooper <josh@puppet.com>2018-07-09 17:15:39 -0700
committerJosh Cooper <josh@puppet.com>2018-07-09 19:44:47 -0700
commit2ac89832b7e065df4490d81b3080b2b570a172ad (patch)
treef9f4f28f30a77c958e8e850acf954336b2301dc9 /spec/acceptance
parent1c6ae8bfde5175c5d3512f5acb5352fda94a4801 (diff)
Initial host import from puppet#ee7cf4d28077be7d1bdbbe934ea012d41d33deff
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/acceptance')
9 files changed, 247 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/pup_2289_should_not_destroy_data_when_malformed.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/pup_2289_should_not_destroy_data_when_malformed.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..670651d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/pup_2289_should_not_destroy_data_when_malformed.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+test_name "should not delete data when existing content is malformed"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ file = agent.tmpfile('host-not-delete-data')
+ teardown do
+ on(agent, "rm -f #{file}", :acceptable_exit_codes => (0..255))
+ end
+ step "(setup) populate test file with host information"
+ on(agent, "printf ' existing alias\n' > #{file}")
+ step "(setup) populate test file with a malformed line"
+ on(agent, "printf '==\n' >> #{file}")
+ step "tell puppet to add another host entry"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+ 'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=foo'))
+ step "verify that the initial host entry was not deleted"
+ on(agent, "cat #{file}") do |res|
+ fail_test "existing host data was deleted" unless
+ res.stdout.include? 'existing'
+ end
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_create.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_create.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b590f85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_create.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+test_name "host should create"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ target = agent.tmpfile('host-create')
+ step "clean up for the test"
+ on agent, "rm -f #{target}"
+ step "create the host record"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource("host", "test", "ensure=present",
+ "ip=", "target=#{target}"))
+ step "verify that the record was created"
+ on(agent, "cat #{target} ; rm -f #{target}") do
+ fail_test "record was not present" unless stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.1[[:space:]]+test/
+ end
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_create_aliases.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_create_aliases.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be4a134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_create_aliases.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test_name "host should create aliases"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ target = agent.tmpfile('host-create-aliases')
+ step "clean up the system for testing"
+ on agent, "rm -f #{target}"
+ step "create the record"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "ensure=present",
+ "ip=", "target=#{target}", "host_aliases=alias"))
+ step "verify that the aliases were added"
+ on(agent, "cat #{target} ; rm -f #{target}") do
+ fail_test "alias was missing" unless
+ stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.7[[:space:]]+test[[:space:]]alias/
+ end
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_destroy.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_destroy.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97f1477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_destroy.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+test_name "should be able to remove a host record"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ file = agent.tmpfile('host-destroy')
+ line = " test1"
+ step "set up files for the test"
+ on agent, "printf '#{line}\n' > #{file}"
+ step "delete the resource from the file"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test1', "target=#{file}",
+ 'ensure=absent', 'ip='))
+ step "verify that the content was removed"
+ on(agent, "cat #{file}; rm -f #{file}") do
+ fail_test "the content was still present" if stdout.include? line
+ end
+ step "clean up after the test"
+ on agent, "rm -f #{file}"
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_modify_alias.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_modify_alias.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07198b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_modify_alias.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+test_name "should be able to modify a host alias"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ file = agent.tmpfile('host-modify-alias')
+ step "set up files for the test"
+ on agent, "printf ' test alias\n' > #{file}"
+ step "modify the resource"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+ 'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=banzai'))
+ step "verify that the content was updated"
+ on(agent, "cat #{file}; rm -f #{file}") do
+ fail_test "the alias was not updated" unless
+ stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.8[[:space:]]+test[[:space:]]+banzai[[:space:]]*$/
+ end
+ step "clean up after the test"
+ on agent, "rm -f #{file}"
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_modify_ip.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_modify_ip.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10c5adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_modify_ip.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+test_name "should be able to modify a host address"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ file = agent.tmpfile('host-modify-ip')
+ step "set up files for the test"
+ on agent, "printf ' test alias\n' > #{file}"
+ step "modify the resource"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+ 'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=alias'))
+ step "verify that the content was updated"
+ on(agent, "cat #{file}; rm -f #{file}") do
+ fail_test "the address was not updated" unless
+ stdout =~ /^127\.0\.0\.10[[:space:]]+test[[:space:]]+alias[[:space:]]*$/
+ end
+ step "clean up after the test"
+ on agent, "rm -f #{file}"
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_not_create_existing.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_not_create_existing.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cdc87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_not_create_existing.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+test_name "should not create host if it exists"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ file = agent.tmpfile('host-not-create-existing')
+ step "set up the system for the test"
+ on agent, "printf ' test alias\n' > #{file}"
+ step "tell puppet to ensure the host exists"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+ 'ensure=present', 'ip=', 'host_aliases=alias')) do
+ fail_test "darn, we created the host record" if
+ stdout.include? '/Host[test1]/ensure: created'
+ end
+ step "clean up after we created things"
+ on agent, "rm -f #{file}"
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/should_query_all.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_query_all.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e60756d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/should_query_all.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+test_name "should query all hosts from hosts file"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+content = %q{ test1 test1.local
+ test2 test2.local
+ test3 test3.local
+ test4 test4.local
+agents.each do |agent|
+ backup = agent.tmpfile('host-query-all')
+ step "configure the system for testing (including file backups)"
+ on agent, "cp /etc/hosts #{backup}"
+ on agent, "cat > /etc/hosts", :stdin => content
+ step "query all host records using puppet"
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host')) do
+ found = stdout.scan(/host \{ '([^']+)'/).flatten.sort
+ fail_test "the list of returned hosts was wrong: #{found.join(', ')}" unless
+ found == %w{test1 test2 test3 test4}
+ count = stdout.scan(/ensure\s+=>\s+'present'/).length
+ fail_test "found #{count} records, wanted 4" unless count == 4
+ end
+ step "clean up the system afterwards"
+ on agent, "cat #{backup} > /etc/hosts && rm -f #{backup}"
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/tests/ticket_4131_should_not_create_without_ip.rb b/spec/acceptance/tests/ticket_4131_should_not_create_without_ip.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..867ff6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/tests/ticket_4131_should_not_create_without_ip.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+test_name "#4131: should not create host without IP attribute"
+tag 'audit:low',
+ 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name`
+ 'audit:acceptance' # Could be done at the integration (or unit) layer though
+ # actual changing of resources could irreparably damage a
+ # host running this, or require special permissions.
+agents.each do |agent|
+ file = agent.tmpfile('4131-require-ip')
+ step "configure the target system for the test"
+ on agent, "rm -rf #{file} ; touch #{file}"
+ step "try to create the host, which should fail"
+ # REVISIT: This step should properly need to handle the non-zero exit code,
+ # and #5668 has been filed to record that. When it is fixed this test will
+ # start to fail, and this comment will tell you why. --daniel 2010-12-24
+ on(agent, puppet_resource('host', 'test', "target=#{file}",
+ "host_aliases=alias")) do
+ fail_test "puppet didn't complain about the missing attribute" unless
+ stderr.include? 'ip is a required attribute for hosts' unless agent['locale'] == 'ja'
+ end
+ step "verify that the host was not added to the file"
+ on(agent, "cat #{file} ; rm -f #{file}") do
+ fail_test "the host was apparently added to the file" if stdout.include? 'test'
+ end