path: root/files/gitolite.rc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'files/gitolite.rc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/files/gitolite.rc b/files/gitolite.rc
deleted file mode 100644
index 141d2b9..0000000
--- a/files/gitolite.rc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-# paths and configuration variables for gitolite
-# please read comments before editing
-# this file is meant to be pulled into a perl program using "do" or "require".
-# You do NOT need to know perl to edit the paths; it should be fairly
-# self-explanatory and easy to maintain perl syntax :-)
-# --------------------------------------
-# Do not uncomment these values unless you know what you're doing
-# --------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------
-# this is where the repos go. If you provide a relative path (not starting
-# with "/"), it's relative to your $HOME. You may want to put in something
-# like "/bigdisk" or whatever if your $HOME is too small for the repos, for
-# example
-# the default umask for repositories is 0077; change this if you run stuff
-# like gitweb and find it can't read the repos. Please note the syntax; the
-# leading 0 is required
-# $REPO_UMASK = 0077; # gets you 'rwx------'
-# $REPO_UMASK = 0027; # gets you 'rwxr-x---'
-$REPO_UMASK = 0022; # gets you 'rwxr-xr-x'
-# part of the setup of gitweb is a variable called $projects_list (please see
-# gitweb documentation for more on this). Set this to the same value:
-$PROJECTS_LIST = $ENV{HOME} . "/projects.list";
-# --------------------------------------
-# I see no reason anyone may want to change the gitolite admin directory, but
-# feel free to do so. However, please note that it *must* be an *absolute*
-# path (i.e., starting with a "/" character)
-# gitolite admin directory, files, etc
-$GL_ADMINDIR=$ENV{HOME} . "/.gitolite";
-# --------------------------------------
-# templates for location of the log files and format of their names
-# I prefer this template (note the %y and %m placeholders)
-# it produces files like `~/.gitolite/logs/gitolite-2009-09.log`
-# other choices are below, or you can make your own -- but PLEASE MAKE SURE
-# the directory exists and is writable; gitolite won't do that for you (unless
-# it is the default, which is "$GL_ADMINDIR/logs")
-# $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y-%m-%d.log";
-# $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y.log";
-# --------------------------------------
-# Please DO NOT change these three paths
-# --------------------------------------
-# if git on your server is on a standard path (that is
-# ssh git@server git --version
-# works), leave this setting as is. Otherwise, choose one of the
-# alternatives, or write your own
-# $GIT_PATH="/opt/bin/";
-# --------------------------------------
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Please read doc/big-config.mkd for details
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Settings below this point may have security implications. That
-# usually means that I have not thought hard enough about all the
-# possible ways to crack security if these settings are enabled.
-# Please see details on each setting for specifics, if any.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# --------------------------------------
-# Gitolite allows you to set git repo options using the "config" keyword; see
-# conf/example.conf for details and syntax.
-# However, if you are in an installation where the repo admin does not (and
-# should not) have shell access to the server, then allowing him to set
-# arbitrary repo config options *may* be a security risk -- some config
-# settings may allow executing arbitrary commands.
-# You have 3 choices. By default $GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS is left empty, which
-# completely disables this feature (meaning you cannot set git configs from
-# the repo config).
-# The second choice is to give it a space separated list of settings you
-# consider safe. (These are actually treated as a set of regular expression
-# patterns, and any one of them must match). For example:
-# $GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = "core\.logAllRefUpdates core\..*compression";
-# allows repo admins to set one of those 3 config keys (yes, that second
-# pattern matches two settings from "man git-config", if you look)
-# The third choice (which you may have guessed already if you're familiar with
-# regular expressions) is to allow anything and everything:
-# --------------------------------------
-# security note: runs an external command (htpasswd) with specific arguments,
-# including a user-chosen "password".
-# if you want to enable the "htpasswd" command, give this the absolute path to
-# whatever file apache (etc) expect to find the passwords in.
-# Look in doc/3 ("easier to link gitweb authorisation with gitolite" section)
-# for more details on using this feature.
-# --------------------------------------
-# security note: runs an external command (rsync) with specific arguments, all
-# presumably filled in correctly by the client-side rsync.
-# base path of all the files that are accessible via rsync. Must be an
-# absolute path. Leave it undefined or set to the empty string to disable the
-# rsync helper.
-$RSYNC_BASE = "";
-# $RSYNC_BASE = "/home/git/up-down";
-# $RSYNC_BASE = "/tmp/up-down";
-# --------------------------------------
-# security note: runs an external command (svnserve) with specific arguments,
-# as specified below. %u is substituted with the username.
-# This setting allows launching svnserve when requested by the ssh client.
-# This allows using the same SSH setup (hostname/username/public key) for both
-# SVN and git access. Leave it undefined or set to the empty string to disable
-# svnserve access.
-$SVNSERVE = "";
-# $SVNSERVE = "/usr/bin/svnserve -r /var/svn/ -t --tunnel-user=%u";
-# --------------------------------------
-# security note: this used to in a separate "wildrepos" branch. You can
-# create repositories based on wild cards, give "ownership" to the specific
-# user who created it, allow him/her to hand out R and RW permissions to other
-# users to collaborate, etc. This is powerful stuff, and I've made it as
-# secure as I can, but it hasn't had the kind of rigorous line-by-line
-# analysis that the old "master" branch had.
-# This has now been rolled into master, with all the functionality gated by
-# this variable. Set this to 1 if you want to enable the wildrepos features.
-# Please see doc/4-wildcard-repositories.mkd for details.
-# --------------------------------------
-# If set, this value will be used as the default user-level permission rule of
-# new wildcard repositories. The user can change this value with the setperms command
-# as desired after repository creation; it is only a default. Note that @all can be
-# used here but is special; no other groups can be used in user-level permissions.
-# --------------------------------------
-# by default, the update hook in every repo chains to "update.secondary".
-# Similarly, the post-update hook in the admin repo chains to
-# "post-update.secondary". If you're fine with the defaults, there's no need
-# to do anything here. However, if you want to use different names or paths,
-# change these variables
-# $UPDATE_CHAINS_TO = "hooks/update.secondary";
-# $ADMIN_POST_UPDATE_CHAINS_TO = "hooks/post-update.secondary";
-# --------------------------------------
-# WARNING: Use this feature only if (a) you really really know what you're
-# doing or (b) you really don't care too much about security. Please read
-# doc/admin-defined-commands.mkd for details.
-# $GL_ADC_PATH = "";
-# --------------------------------------
-# per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file:
-# Local variables:
-# mode: perl
-# End:
-# vim: set syn=perl: