# Basic configuration inspired by # http://ferm.foo-projects.org/download/examples/workstation.ferm class firewall::implementations::ferm::tpc { # Currently conflicting with the stdlib and concat module's versions in use #ferm::rule{ "allow-local-tcp": # chain => 'INPUT', # action => 'ACCEPT', # proto => 'tcp', # interface => 'lo', # ensure => 'present', #} # Currently conflicting with the stdlib and concat module's versions in use #ferm::rule{ "allow-local-udp": # chain => 'INPUT', # action => 'ACCEPT', # proto => 'udp', # interface => 'lo', # ensure => 'present', #} file { '/etc/ferm/ferm.conf': ensure => present, owner => root, group => adm, mode => '0644', require => Package['ferm'], notify => Service['ferm'], source => [ "puppet:///modules/firewall/ferm/ferm.conf.tpc", "puppet:///modules/firewall/ferm/ferm.conf.${::hostname}", "puppet:///modules/site_firewall/ferm/ferm.conf.tpc", "puppet:///modules/site_firewall/ferm/ferm.conf.${::hostname}", ], } }