# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe 'ferm::rule', type: :define do on_supported_os.each do |os, facts| context "on #{os}" do let :facts do facts end let :pre_condition do 'include ferm' end context 'without action' do let(:title) { 'filter-ssh' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', proto: 'tcp', dport: 22, saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.not_to compile } end context 'without a specific interface' do let(:title) { 'filter-ssh' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: 22, saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-filter-ssh').with_content("mod comment comment 'filter-ssh' proto tcp dport 22 saddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT;\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-INPUT-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-FORWARD-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-OUTPUT-config-include') } end context 'with a specific interface' do let(:title) { 'filter-ssh' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: 22, saddr: '', interface: 'eth0' } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-eth0-filter-ssh').with_content(" mod comment comment 'filter-ssh' proto tcp dport 22 saddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT;\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-eth0-aaa').with_content("interface eth0 {\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-eth0-zzz').with_content("}\n") } end context 'with a specific interface using array for daddr' do let(:title) { 'filter-ssh' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: 22, daddr: ['', '', ['', '']], interface: 'eth0' } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-eth0-filter-ssh').with_content(" mod comment comment 'filter-ssh' proto tcp dport 22 daddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT;\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-eth0-aaa').with_content("interface eth0 {\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-eth0-zzz').with_content("}\n") } end context 'without a specific interface using array for proto' do let(:title) { 'filter-consul' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: %w[tcp udp], dport: [8301, 8302], saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-filter-consul').with_content("mod comment comment 'filter-consul' proto (tcp udp) mod multiport destination-ports (8301 8302) saddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT;\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-INPUT-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-FORWARD-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-OUTPUT-config-include') } end context 'with a valid destination-port range' do let(:title) { 'filter-portrange' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: '20000:25000', saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-filter-portrange').with_content("mod comment comment 'filter-portrange' proto tcp dport 20000:25000 saddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT;\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-INPUT-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-FORWARD-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-OUTPUT-config-include') } end context 'with a malformed source-port range' do let(:title) { 'filter-malformed-portrange' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', sport: '25000:20000', saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.and_raise_error(%r{Lower port number of the port range is larger than upper. 25000:20000}) } end context 'with an invalid destination-port range' do let(:title) { 'filter-invalid-portrange' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: '50000:65538', saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.and_raise_error(%r{The data type should be 'Tuple\[Stdlib::Port, Stdlib::Port\]', not 'Tuple\[Integer\[50000, 50000\], Integer\[65538, 65538\]\]'. The data is \[50000, 65538\]}) } end context 'with an invalid destination-port string' do let(:title) { 'filter-invalid-portnumber' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: '65538', saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.and_raise_error(%r{parameter 'dport' expects a Ferm::Port .* value, got String}) } end context 'with an invalid source-port number' do let(:title) { 'filter-invalid-portnumber' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', sport: 65_538, saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.and_raise_error(%r{parameter 'sport' expects a Ferm::Port .* value, got Integer}) } end context 'with jumping to custom chains' do # create custom chain let(:pre_condition) do 'include ferm ; ferm::chain{"check-ssh": chain => "SSH", disable_conntrack => true, log_dropped_packets => false, }' end let(:title) { 'filter-ssh' } let :params do { chain: 'INPUT', action: 'SSH', proto: 'tcp', dport: 22 } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-SSH-policy') } it do expect(subject).to contain_concat__fragment('INPUT-filter-ssh').\ with_content("mod comment comment 'filter-ssh' proto tcp dport 22 jump SSH;\n"). \ that_requires('Ferm::Chain[check-ssh]') end it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-INPUT-config-include') } if facts[:os]['name'] == 'Debian' it { is_expected.to contain_concat('/etc/ferm/ferm.d/chains/filter-SSH.conf') } else it { is_expected.to contain_concat('/etc/ferm.d/chains/filter-SSH.conf') } end end context 'definining rules in custom chains' do # create custom chain let(:pre_condition) do 'include ferm ; ferm::chain{"check-ssh": chain => "SSH", disable_conntrack => true, log_dropped_packets => false, }' end let(:title) { 'allow-ssh-localhost' } let :params do { chain: 'SSH', action: 'ACCEPT', proto: 'tcp', dport: 22, saddr: '' } end it { is_expected.to compile.with_all_deps } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('SSH-allow-ssh-localhost').with_content("mod comment comment 'allow-ssh-localhost' proto tcp dport 22 saddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT;\n") } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-INPUT-config-include') } it { is_expected.to contain_concat__fragment('filter-SSH-config-include') } end end end end