require 'spec_helper_acceptance' os_name = fact('') os_release = fact('os.release.major') sut_os = "#{os_name}-#{os_release}" manage_initfile = case sut_os when 'CentOS-6' true else false end iptables_output = case sut_os when 'Debian-10' [ '-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m comment --comment allow_acceptance_tests -j ACCEPT', '-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m comment --comment jump_http -j HTTP', '-A HTTP -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m comment --comment allow_http_localhost -j ACCEPT' ] else [ '-A INPUT -p tcp -m comment --comment ["]*allow_acceptance_tests["]* -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT', '-A INPUT -p tcp -m comment --comment ["]*jump_http["]* -m tcp --dport 80 -j HTTP', '-A HTTP -s -p tcp -m comment --comment ["]*allow_http_localhost["]* -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT' ] end iptables_output_custom = ['-A FORWARD -s -p udp -m comment --comment "OpenVPN - FORWORD all udp traffic from network to subchain OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES" -j OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES', '-A OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES -s -i tun0 -o enp4s0 -p udp -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT'] # When `install_method` is `vcsrepo` with `vcstag` >= `v2.5` ferm call "legacy" # xtables tools because nft based tools are incompatible. iptables_save_cmd = case sut_os when 'Debian-10' 'iptables-legacy-save' else 'iptables-save' end basic_manifest = %( class { 'ferm': manage_service => true, manage_configfile => true, manage_initfile => #{manage_initfile}, # CentOS-6 does not provide init script forward_policy => 'DROP', output_policy => 'ACCEPT', input_policy => 'DROP', rules => { 'allow_acceptance_tests' => { chain => 'INPUT', action => 'ACCEPT', proto => tcp, dport => 22, }, }, ip_versions => ['ip'], #only ipv4 available with CI ) describe 'ferm' do context 'with basics settings and vcsrepo install_method' do pp = [basic_manifest, "install_method => 'vcsrepo',}"].join("\n") it 'works with no error' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) end it 'works idempotently' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) end describe package('ferm') do it { is_expected.not_to be_installed } end describe service('ferm') do it { be_running } end describe command("#{iptables_save_cmd} -t filter") do its(:stdout) { match %r{.*filter.*:INPUT DROP.*:FORWARD DROP.*:OUTPUT ACCEPT.*}m } its(:stdout) { is_expected.not_to match %r{state INVALID -j DROP} } its(:stdout) { match %r{allow_acceptance_tests.*-j ACCEPT}m } end end context 'with basics settings and default install_method' do pp = [basic_manifest, '}'].join("\n") it 'works with no error' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) end it 'works idempotently' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) end describe package('ferm') do it { be_installed } end describe service('ferm') do it { be_running } end describe command('iptables-save') do its(:stdout) { match %r{.*filter.*:INPUT DROP.*:FORWARD DROP.*:OUTPUT ACCEPT.*}m } its(:stdout) { is_expected.not_to match %r{state INVALID -j DROP} } end describe iptables do it do have_rule(iptables_output[0]). \ with_table('filter'). \ with_chain('INPUT') end end context 'with custom chains' do advanced_manifest = %( ferm::chain { 'check-http': chain => 'HTTP', disable_conntrack => true, log_dropped_packets => false, } ferm::rule { 'jump_http': chain => 'INPUT', action => 'HTTP', proto => 'tcp', dport => 80, require => Ferm::Chain['check-http'], } ferm::rule { 'allow_http_localhost': chain => 'HTTP', action => 'ACCEPT', proto => 'tcp', dport => 80, saddr => '', require => Ferm::Chain['check-http'], } ) pp = [basic_manifest, '}', advanced_manifest].join("\n") it 'works with no error' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) end it 'works idempotently' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) end describe iptables do it do have_rule(iptables_output[1]). \ with_table('filter'). \ with_chain('INPUT') end it do have_rule(iptables_output[2]). \ with_table('filter'). \ with_chain('HTTP') end end end context 'with dropping INVALID packets' do pp2 = %( class { 'ferm': manage_service => true, manage_configfile => true, manage_initfile => #{manage_initfile}, # CentOS-6 does not provide init script forward_policy => 'DROP', output_policy => 'ACCEPT', input_policy => 'DROP', input_drop_invalid_packets_with_conntrack => true, rules => { 'allow_acceptance_tests' => { chain => 'INPUT', action => 'ACCEPT', proto => tcp, dport => 22, }, }, ip_versions => ['ip'], #only ipv4 available with CI } ) it 'works with no error' do apply_manifest(pp2, catch_failures: true) end it 'works idempotently' do apply_manifest(pp2, catch_changes: true) end describe service('ferm') do it { be_running } end describe command('iptables-save') do its(:stdout) { match %r{INPUT.*state INVALID -j DROP} } end end end context 'with custom chain using ferm DSL as content' do advanced_manifest = %( $my_rules = @(EOT) chain OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES { proto udp { interface tun0 { outerface enp4s0 { mod conntrack ctstate (NEW) saddr @ipfilter(( ACCEPT; } } } } | EOT ferm::chain{'OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES': chain => 'OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES', content => $my_rules, } ferm::rule { "OpenVPN - FORWORD all udp traffic from network to subchain OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES": chain => 'FORWARD', action => 'OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES', saddr => '', proto => 'udp', } ) pp = [basic_manifest, '}', advanced_manifest].join("\n") it 'works with no error' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_failures: true) end it 'works idempotently' do apply_manifest(pp, catch_changes: true) end describe iptables do it do have_rule(iptables_output_custom[0]). \ with_table('filter'). \ with_chain('FORWARD') end it do have_rule(iptables_output_custom[1]). \ with_table('filter'). \ with_chain('OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES') end end describe service('ferm') do it { be_running } end describe command('iptables-save') do its(:stdout) { match %r{FORWARD.*-j OPENVPN_FORWORD_RULES} } end end end