# @summary This defined resource manages a single rule in a specific chain # # @example Jump to the 'SSH' chain for all incoming SSH traffic (see chain.pp examples on how to create the chain) # ferm::rule{'incoming-ssh': # chain => 'INPUT', # action => 'SSH', # proto => 'tcp', # dport => 22, # } # # @example Create a rule in the 'SSH' chain to allow connections from localhost # ferm::rule{'allow-ssh-localhost': # chain => 'SSH', # action => 'ACCEPT', # proto => 'tcp', # dport => 22, # saddr => '', # } # # # @example Confuse people that do a traceroute/mtr/ping to your system # ferm::rule{'drop-icmp-time-exceeded': # chain => 'OUTPUT', # policy => 'DROP', # proto => 'icmp', # proto_options => 'icmp-type time-exceeded', # } # # @example allow multiple protocols # ferm::rule{'allow_consul': # chain => 'INPUT', # policy => 'ACCEPT', # proto => ['udp', 'tcp'], # dport => 8301, # } # # @param chain Configure the chain where we want to add the rule # @param proto Which protocol do we want to match, typically UDP or TCP # @param comment A comment that will be added to the ferm config and to ip{,6}tables # @param action Configure what we want to do with the packet (drop/accept/reject, can also be a target chain name) # Default value: undef # Allowed values: (RETURN|ACCEPT|DROP|REJECT|NOTRACK|LOG|MARK|DNAT|SNAT|MASQUERADE|REDIRECT|String[1]) # @param policy Configure what we want to do with the packet (drop/accept/reject, can also be a target chain name) [DEPRECATED] # Default value: undef # Allowed values: (RETURN|ACCEPT|DROP|REJECT|NOTRACK|LOG|MARK|DNAT|SNAT|MASQUERADE|REDIRECT|String[1]) # @param dport The destination port, can be a single port number as integer or an Array of integers (which will then use the multiport matcher) # @param sport The source port, can be a single port number as integer or an Array of integers (which will then use the multiport matcher) # @param saddr The source address we want to match # @param daddr The destination address we want to match # @param proto_options Optional parameters that will be passed to the protocol (for example to match specific ICMP types) # @param interface an Optional interface where this rule should be applied # @param ensure Set the rule to present or absent # @param table Select the target table (filter/raw/mangle/nat) # Default value: filter # Allowed values: (filter|raw|mangle|nat) (see Ferm::Tables type) define ferm::rule ( String[1] $chain, Ferm::Protocols $proto, String $comment = $name, Optional[Ferm::Actions] $action = undef, Optional[Ferm::Policies] $policy = undef, Optional[Variant[Stdlib::Port,Array[Stdlib::Port]]] $dport = undef, Optional[Variant[Stdlib::Port,Array[Stdlib::Port]]] $sport = undef, Optional[Variant[Array, String[1]]] $saddr = undef, Optional[Variant[Array, String[1]]] $daddr = undef, Optional[String[1]] $proto_options = undef, Optional[String[1]] $interface = undef, Enum['absent','present'] $ensure = 'present', Ferm::Tables $table = 'filter', ){ if $policy and $action { fail('Cannot specify both policy and action. Do not provide policy when using the new action param.') } elsif $policy and ! $action { warning('The param "policy" is deprecated (superseded by "action") and will be dropped in a future release.') $action_temp = $policy } elsif $action and ! $policy { $action_temp = $action } else { fail('Exactly one of "action" or the deprecated "policy" param is required.') } if $action_temp in ['RETURN', 'ACCEPT', 'DROP', 'REJECT', 'NOTRACK', 'LOG', 'MARK', 'DNAT', 'SNAT', 'MASQUERADE', 'REDIRECT'] { $action_real = $action_temp } else { # assume the action contains a target chain, so prefix it with the "jump" statement $action_real = "jump ${action_temp}" # make sure the target chain is created before we try to add rules to it Ferm::Chain <| chain == $action_temp and table == $table |> -> Ferm::Rule[$name] } $proto_real = $proto ? { Array => "proto (${join($proto, ' ')})", String => "proto ${proto}", } # ferm supports implicit multiport using the "dports" shortcut if $dport =~ Array { $dports = join($dport, ' ') $dport_real = "dports (${dports})" } elsif $dport =~ Integer { $dport_real = "dport ${dport}" } else { $dport_real = '' } # ferm supports implicit multiport using the "sports" shortcut if $sport =~ Array { $sports = join($sport, ' ') $sport_real = "sports (${sports})" } elsif $sport =~ Integer { $sport_real = "sport ${sport}" } else { $sport_real = '' } if $saddr =~ Array { assert_type(Array[Stdlib::IP::Address], flatten($saddr)) |$expected, $actual| { fail( "The data type should be \'${expected}\', not \'${actual}\'. The data is ${flatten($saddr)}." ) '' } } $saddr_real = $saddr ? { undef => '', Array => "saddr @ipfilter((${join(flatten($saddr).unique, ' ')}))", String => "saddr @ipfilter((${saddr}))", default => '', } if $daddr =~ Array { assert_type(Array[Stdlib::IP::Address], flatten($daddr)) |$expected, $actual| { fail( "The data type should be \'${expected}\', not \'${actual}\'. The data is ${flatten($daddr)}." ) '' } } $daddr_real = $daddr ? { undef => '', Array => "daddr @ipfilter((${join(flatten($daddr).unique, ' ')}))", String => "daddr @ipfilter((${daddr}))", default => '', } $proto_options_real = $proto_options ? { undef => '', default => $proto_options } $comment_real = "mod comment comment '${comment}'" # prevent unmanaged files due to new naming schema # keep the default "filter" chains in the original location # only prefix chains in other tables with the table name if $table == 'filter' and $chain in ['INPUT', 'FORWARD', 'OUTPUT'] { $filename = "${ferm::configdirectory}/chains/${chain}.conf" } else { $filename = "${ferm::configdirectory}/chains/${table}-${chain}.conf" } $rule = squeeze("${comment_real} ${proto_real} ${proto_options_real} ${dport_real} ${sport_real} ${daddr_real} ${saddr_real} ${action_real};", ' ') if $ensure == 'present' { if $interface { unless defined(Concat::Fragment["${chain}-${interface}-aaa"]) { concat::fragment{"${chain}-${interface}-aaa": target => $filename, content => "interface ${interface} {\n", order => $interface, } } concat::fragment{"${chain}-${interface}-${name}": target => $filename, content => " ${rule}\n", order => $interface, } unless defined(Concat::Fragment["${chain}-${interface}-zzz"]) { concat::fragment{"${chain}-${interface}-zzz": target => $filename, content => "}\n", order => $interface, } } } else { concat::fragment{"${chain}-${name}": target => $filename, content => "${rule}\n", } } } }