# @summary This class manages ferm installation and rule generation on modern linux systems # # @example deploy ferm without any configured rules, but also don't start the service or modify existing config files # include ferm # # @example deploy ferm and start it, on nodes with only ipv6 enabled # class{'ferm': # manage_service => true, # ip_versions => ['ip6'], # } # # @example deploy ferm and don't touch chains from other software, like fail2ban and docker # class{'ferm': # manage_service => true, # preserve_chains_in_tables => { # 'filter' => [ # 'f2b-sshd', # 'DOCKER', # 'DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-1', # 'DOCKER-ISOLATION-STAGE-2', # 'DOCKER-USER', # 'FORWARD', # ], # 'nat' => [ # 'DOCKER', # ], # }, # } # # @param manage_service Disable/Enable the management of the ferm daemon # @param manage_configfile Disable/Enable the management of the ferm default config # @param manage_initfile Disable/Enable the management of the ferm init script for RedHat-based OS # @param configfile Path to the config file # @param configdirectory Path to the directory where the module stores ferm configuration files # @param forward_disable_conntrack Enable/Disable the generation of conntrack rules for the FORWARD chain # @param output_disable_conntrack Enable/Disable the generation of conntrack rules for the OUTPUT chain # @param input_disable_conntrack Enable/Disable the generation of conntrack rules for the INPUT chain # @param forward_policy Default policy for the FORWARD chain # @param output_policy Default policy for the OUTPUT chain # @param input_policy Default policy for the INPUT chain # @param input_drop_invalid_packets_with_conntrack Enable/Disable the `mod conntrack ctstate INVALID DROP` statement. Only works if `$disable_conntrack` is `false`. You can set this to false if your policy is DROP. This only effects the INPUT chain. # @param rules A hash that holds all data for ferm::rule # @param chains A hash that holds all data for ferm::chain # @param forward_log_dropped_packets Enable/Disable logging in the FORWARD chain of packets to the kernel log, if no explicit chain matched # @param output_log_dropped_packets Enable/Disable logging in the OUTPUT chain of packets to the kernel log, if no explicit chain matched # @param input_log_dropped_packets Enable/Disable logging in the INPUT chain of packets to the kernel log, if no explicit chain matched # @param ip_versions Set list of versions of ip we want ot use. # @param preserve_chains_in_tables Hash with table:chains[] to use ferm @preserve for # Example: {'nat' => ['PREROUTING', 'POSTROUTING']} class ferm ( Stdlib::Absolutepath $configfile, Stdlib::Absolutepath $configdirectory, Boolean $manage_service = false, Boolean $manage_configfile = false, Boolean $manage_initfile = false, Boolean $forward_disable_conntrack = true, Boolean $output_disable_conntrack = true, Boolean $input_disable_conntrack = false, Ferm::Policies $forward_policy = 'DROP', Ferm::Policies $output_policy = 'ACCEPT', Ferm::Policies $input_policy = 'DROP', Boolean $forward_log_dropped_packets = false, Boolean $output_log_dropped_packets = false, Boolean $input_log_dropped_packets = false, Boolean $input_drop_invalid_packets_with_conntrack = false, Hash $rules = {}, Hash $chains = {}, Array[Enum['ip','ip6']] $ip_versions = ['ip','ip6'], Hash[String[1],Array[String[1]]] $preserve_chains_in_tables = {}, ) { contain ferm::install contain ferm::config contain ferm::service Class['ferm::install'] -> Class['ferm::config'] ~> Class['ferm::service'] Ferm::Chain <| |> ~> Class['ferm::service'] $chains.each |$chainname, $attributes| { ferm::chain{$chainname: * => $attributes, } } $rules.each |$rulename, $attributes| { ferm::rule{$rulename: * => $attributes, } } # import all exported resources with ferm rules for this node Ferm::Rule <<| tag == $trusted['certname'] |>> }