# THIS FILE MANAGED BY PUPPET # Change to YES to allow ekeyd-egd-linux to start. Ensure the below are # correctly configured first though. START_EKEYD_EGD_LINUX=YES # Change this if you want it to be something other than the default HOST=<%= has_variable?("ekeyd_address") ? ekeyd_address : '' %> <%= has_variable?("ekeyd_port") ? 'PORT=' + ekeyd_port : '#PORT=8888' %> # Number of bits minimum in the pool, below which the daemon will kick in # and transfer data from the EGD to the pool (providing it's available) WATERMARK=1024 # Number of 1024 bit (128 byte) blocks to transfer to the kernel each # time it dips below the low water mark. # BLOCKS=3 # How many shannons-per-byte to claim for data pushed to the pool # SHANNONS=7 # by default egd exits if it dies, instead we want to try to reconnect RETRYTIME=20