class ekeyd::base { package{'ekeyd': ensure => installed, } # TODO (from riseup code) # * eventually it would be cool if we could have two classes: one for # SetOutputToKernel and one for EGDTCPSocket. But for now we're just going # to have puppet deliver the ekeyd.conf file. # * ekeyd will be setup to feed output to whatever is configured in the # variables: $ekeyd_host and $ekeyd_port with the defaults being # and 8888 file{'/etc/entropykey/ekeyd.conf': content => $operatingsystem ? { 'debian' => template("ekeyd/ekeyd.conf_${lsbdistcodename}.erb"), default => template("ekeyd/ekeyd.conf_default.erb"), }, require => Package['ekeyd'], notify => Service['ekeyd'], owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644; } service{'ekeyd': ensure => running, enable => true, } exec{'configure_ekeyd_key': command => "ekey-rekey `ekeydctl list | grep \"/dev/entropykey\" | awk -F, '{ print \$5}'` ${ekeyd::ekeyd_masterkey}", unless => "ekeydctl list | grep -q 'Running OK'", require => Service['ekeyd'], } }