class drupal::makefiles { # Drupal 6 makefile file { "/usr/local/share/drupal/drupal6.make": ensure => absent, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/drupal/drupal6.make", require => File['/usr/local/share/drupal'], } # Drupal 7 makefile file { "/usr/local/share/drupal/drupal7.make": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/drupal/drupal7.make", require => File['/usr/local/share/drupal'], } # Drupal 6 theme makefile file { "/usr/local/share/drupal/themes6.make": ensure => absent, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/drupal/themes6.make", require => File['/usr/local/share/drupal'], } # Drupal 7 theme makefile file { "/usr/local/share/drupal/themes7.make": ensure => present, owner => root, group => root, mode => 644, source => "puppet:///modules/drupal/themes7.make", require => File['/usr/local/share/drupal'], } cron { "drupal-make-6": command => "/usr/local/bin/drupal make 6", user => root, # Run once a week to ensure the server has all dependencies weekday => 4, hour => "02", minute => "30", ensure => absent, require => File['/usr/local/sbin/drupal', '/usr/local/share/drupal/drupal6.make', '/usr/local/share/drupal/themes6.make'], } cron { "drupal-make-7": command => "/usr/local/bin/drupal make 7", user => root, # Run once a week to ensure the server has all dependencies weekday => 4, hour => "02", minute => "30", ensure => absent, require => File['/usr/local/sbin/drupal', '/usr/local/share/drupal/drupal7.make', '/usr/local/share/drupal/themes7.make'], } }