class drupal { include php::composer include drupal::drush include drupal::makefiles include drupal::maintenance group { 'drupal': ensure => present, allowdupe => false, } user { 'drupal': ensure => present, allowdupe => false, shell => '/bin/bash', gid => 'drupal', home => '/var/lib/drupal', require => Group['drupal'], } # This shall hold drush-backups in the future file { '/var/lib/drupal': ensure => directory, owner => 'drupal', group => 'drupal', mode => 0750, require => User['drupal'], } # TODO: old location, remove in the future file { "/usr/local/sbin/drupal": ensure => absent, } # Drupal management script file { "/usr/local/bin/drupal": ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///modules/drupal/drupal', owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, } # Drupal shared folder file { "/usr/local/share/drupal": ensure => directory, owner => root, group => root, mode => 755, } # See #file { "/tmp/.htaccess": # ensure => present, # owner => root, # group => root, # mode => 644, # source => "puppet:///modules/drupal/htaccess", #} # Ensure there's no old, buggy code in drupal farms file { [ '/var/www/data/drupal-6/backup', '/var/www/data/drupal-7/backup' ]: ensure => absent, recurse => true, force => true, backup => false, } }