TRUE); // CVS credentials for module dowlnoads. # $command_specific['dl'] = array('cvscredentials' => 'user:pass'); // Additional folders to search for scripts. // Separate by : (Unix-based systems) or ; (Windows). # $command_specific['script']['script-path'] = 'sites/all/scripts:profiles/myprofile/scripts'; // Always show release notes when running pm-update or pm-updatecode. # $command_specific['pm-update'] = array('notes' => TRUE); # $command_specific['pm-updatecode'] = array('notes' => TRUE); // Set a predetermined username and password when using site-install. # $command_specific['site-install'] = array('account-name' => 'alice', 'account-pass' => 'secret'); /** * List of Drush commands or aliases that should override built-in shell * functions and commands; otherwise, built-ins override Drush commands. Default * is 'help,dd,sa'. Warning: bad things can happen if you put the wrong thing * here (e.g. eval, grep), so be cautious. If a Drush command overrides a * built-in command (e.g. bash help), then you can use the `builtin` operator * to run the built-in version (e.g. `builtin help` to show bash help instead of * Drush help.) If a Drush command overrides a shell command (e.g. grep), then * you can use the regular shell command by typing in the full path to the * command (e.g. /bin/grep). */ # $command_specific['core-cli'] = array('override' => 'help,dd,sa'); /** * Load a drushrc file from the 'drush' folder at the root of the current * git repository. Example script below by grayside. Customize as desired. * @see: */ #exec('git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null', $output); #if (!empty($output)) { # $repo = $output[0]; # $options['config'] = $repo . '/drush/drushrc.php'; # $options['include'] = $repo . '/drush/commands'; # $options['alias-path'] = $repo . '/drush/aliases'; #}