#!/bin/bash # # Drupal management script. # BASE=${BASE:="/var/www/data"} SITES=${SITES:="$BASE/drupal"} SERIES="6 7 8" # Ensure we have a proper path, useful when called through cron export PATH='/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin' # Read a parameter from user function drupal_user_input { local input param="$1" default="$2" shift 2 if echo $param | grep -q 'passwd'; then read -s -rep "$* (defaults to $default): " input else read -rep "$* (defaults to $default): " input fi if [ -z "$input" ]; then export $param="$default" else export $param="$input" fi } # Get drupal major version function drupal_get_major { echo $1 | sed -e 's/\(^.\).*/\1/' } # Check for existing installations function drupal_check_existing { if [ -e "$BASE/drupal-$1" ]; then echo "Folder $BASE/drupal-$1 already exists, skipping" exit 1 fi } # Check for non existing installations function drupal_check_not_existing { if [ ! -e "$BASE/drupal-$1" ]; then echo "Folder $BASE/drupal-$1 does not exist, skipping" exit 1 fi } # Iterate through all drupal instances function drupal_iterate { local command="$1" if [ -z "$command" ]; then return fi if [ "$command" != "cron" ] && [ "$SILENT" != "yes" ]; then echo "Issuing $command in all installed instances..." fi for version in $SERIES; do # Setup base folder base="$BASE/drupal-$version" if [ ! -d "$base/sites" ]; then continue fi # Setup site folders with .onion sites in the end of the list # and ignoring site names without dots cd $base/sites drupals="`ls -1 -I default -I all -I example.sites.php -I '*.onion' | grep "\." | xargs`" drupals="$drupals `ls -1 | grep '.onion$' | xargs`" # Issue updates for drupal in $drupals; do if [ -e "$drupal/settings.php" ]; then hash="`sha1sum $drupal/settings.php | cut -d ' ' -f 1`" # Process sites just once, avoiding symlinks if echo $settings_hash | grep -q -v "$command:$hash"; then settings_hash="$settings_hash-$command:$hash" if [ "$command" != "cron" ] && [ "$SILENT" != "yes" ]; then echo "Processing $drupal..." fi if [ "$command" == "update" ] || [ "$command" == "cron-update" ]; then shift drupal_update $command $drupal $* else drush -l $drupal $* fi fi fi done # Fix permissions chown -R root.root $base/modules chown -R root.root $base/themes if [ -e "$base/sites/all/modules" ]; then chown -R root.root $base/sites/all/modules fi if [ -e "$base/sites/all/themes" ]; then chown -R root.root $base/sites/all/themes fi done } # Update a drupal instance function drupal_update { local method="$1" local instance="$2" local confirm local line shift 2 if [ "$method" == "cron-update" ]; then confirm="-y" fi # See https://drupal.org/node/823146#comment-3319070 drush -l $instance up -u 1 --pipe | \ grep -v -E 'Unknown|Up-to-date|Atualizado|Desconhecido|^Array$|^\($|^\)$|OK' | while read line ; do # Avoid automated core updates code="`echo $line | cut -d " " -f1`" if [ "$code" == "drupal" ]; then echo "Core update available: $line" else echo "Updating $code on instance $instance..." drush -l $instance up -u 1 $confirm $* $code fi done } # Deploy a fresh drupal tree function drupal_download { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` download [--upgrade]" exit 1 fi # Setup new="$1" drupal_series="`drupal_get_major $new`" cd $BASE drupal_check_existing $new # Deploy a fresh drupal tree wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-$new.tar.gz tar zxvf drupal-$new.tar.gz && rm drupal-$new.tar.gz chown -R root.root drupal-$new/ # Upgrade mode, erase sites folder as the previous should be copied. if [ "$2" == "--upgrade" ]; then cd drupal-$new && rm -rf sites fi # Make symlink if needed. if [ ! -e "$BASE/drupal-$drupal_series/CHANGELOG.txt" ]; then # Deal with a possibly empty drupal folder rmdir $BASE/drupal-$drupal_series &> /dev/null ( cd $BASE && ln -s drupal-$new drupal-$drupal_series ) fi } # Upgrade a drupal instance using upstream source function drupal_upgrade { if [ "$#" != "2" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` upgrade " exit 1 fi # Setup old="$1" new="$2" old_major="`drupal_get_major $old`" new_major="`drupal_get_major $new`" extra_folders="" drupal_series="$new_major" if [ "$old_major" != "$new_major" ]; then echo "Major versions doesn't match" exit 1 fi drupal_check_existing $new drupal_check_not_existing $old cd $BASE # Deploy a fresh drupal tree drupal_download $new --upgrade # Ensure we're in the new drupal folder cd $BASE/drupal-$new # Copy files for file in .htaccess robots.txt sites; do if [ ! -h "../drupal-$old/$file" ]; then cp -a ../drupal-$old/$file . &> /dev/null else # Symlink handling ln -sf $file `readlink ../drupal-$old/$file` fi done # Extra folder for extra_folder in $extra_folders; do if [ -d ../drupal-$old/$extra_folder ]; then cp -Rp ../drupal-$old/$extra_folder . fi done # Copy installation profiles rsync -av --exclude=default ../drupal-$old/profiles/ profiles/ # Copy installation themes and modules for Drupal 8 or newer if [ "$new_major" != "5" ] && [ "$new_major" != "6" ] && [ "$new_major" != "7" ]; then rsync -av ../drupal-$old/modules/ modules/ rsync -av ../drupal-$old/themes/ themes/ fi # Change symlink to point to the new location cd $BASE ; rm -rf drupal-$drupal_series && ln -s drupal-$new drupal-$drupal_series # Done echo "Audit: `du -hs drupal-$old`" echo "Audit: `du -hs drupal-$new`" echo "Check procedure and remove drupal-$old once you make sure that everything is fine." } # Run a drupal makefile function drupal_make { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` make " exit 1 fi series="$1" base="$BASE/drupal-$series" makefile="/usr/local/share/drupal/drupal$series.make" makefile_themes="/usr/local/share/drupal/themes$series.make" if [ -e "$makefile" ]; then if [ ! -e "$base" ]; then echo "Please download drupal code at $base first" exit 1 fi drush dl drush_make ( cd $base && drush make -y --no-core $makefile ) ( cd $base && drush make -y --no-core $makefile_themes ) else echo "Makefile not found: $makefile" exit 1 fi } # Install a new instance function drupal_install { if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` install [aliases]" exit 1 fi # Required arguments series="$1" site="$2" shift 2 # Site aliases aliases="$*" # Other parameters domain="`facter domain`" if [ "$series" != "6" ]; then # Installation parameters drupal_user_input name "$site" "Site name" drupal_user_input site_email "$site@$domain" "Site email" drupal_user_input profile "standard" "Installation profile" drupal_user_input locale "pt-br" "Installation language" drupal_user_input admin "$site" "Admin user" drupal_user_input admin_email "$admin@$domain" "Admin email" fi if [ -e "$BASE/drupal-$series/sites/$site" ]; then echo "Drupal $site already installed at $BASE/drupal-$series" echo "Installation will be overwritten" else # Check installation if [ ! -e "$BASE/drupal-$series" ]; then echo "Please download your drupal $series farm first" exit 1 fi echo "Creating $SITES/$site/drupal/ structure..." mkdir -p $SITES/$site/drupal/{files,themes,modules,libraries} echo "Copying default configuration file..." cp $BASE/drupal-$series/sites/default/default.settings.php $SITES/$site/drupal/settings.php chmod 640 $SITES/$site/drupal/settings.php ( echo "Creating symlinks..." cd $BASE/drupal-$series/sites ln -s $SITES/$site/drupal $site ln -s $SITES/$site/drupal $site.$domain for alias in $aliases; do ln -s $SITES/$site/drupal $alias done ) # Aditional parameters drupal_user_input dbname "$site" "Database name" drupal_user_input dbuser "$site" "Database user" drupal_user_input dbpasswd "$site" "Database passwd" echo "" echo "Configuring settings.php" if [ "$series" == "7" ]; then cat >> $SITES/$site/drupal/settings.php <<-EOF \$databases['default']['default'] = array( 'driver' => 'mysql', 'database' => '$dbname', 'username' => '$dbuser', 'password' => '$dbpasswd', 'host' => 'localhost', 'prefix' => '', ); EOF elif [ "$series" == "6" ]; then cat >> $SITES/$site/drupal/settings.php <<-EOF \$db_url = 'mysql://$dbuser:$dbpasswd@localhost/$dbname'; EOF fi fi if [ "$series" != "6" ]; then ( echo "Installing drupal $series for $site using $profile profile..." cd $BASE/drupal-$series/ drush site-install $profile --site-name="$name" --site-mail="$site_email" --locale=$locale \ --uri="$site" --sites-subdir="$site" --account-name="$admin" --account-mail="$admin_email" ) fi # Fix permissions if grep -qe "^$site:" /etc/passwd; then chown root.$site $SITES/$site/drupal/settings.php chown $site.$site $SITES/$site/drupal/{files,themes,modules,libraries} else chown root.www-data $SITES/$site/drupal/settings.php chown www-data.www-data $SITES/$site/drupal/{files,themes,modules,libraries} fi if [ "$series" == "6" ]; then echo "Now please access http://$site.$domain/install.php to continue with the installation." else echo "Done. Please check your installation." fi } # Main procedure if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: `basename $0` [arguments]" exit 1 elif [ "$1" == "cron" ]; then drupal_iterate cron elif [ "$1" == "cron-update" ]; then SILENT="yes" drupal_iterate pm-refresh &> /dev/null drupal_iterate cron-update elif [ "$1" == "download" ] || [ "$1" == "dl" ]; then shift drupal_download $* elif [ "$1" == "update" ]; then shift drupal_iterate pm-refresh drupal_iterate update $* # Update alone might not trigger updatedb in a farm for all instances. drupal_iterate updatedb $* drupal_iterate cc all $* elif [ "$1" == "updatedb" ]; then shift drupal_iterate updatedb $* elif [ "$1" == "upgrade" ]; then shift drupal_upgrade $* elif [ "$1" == "run" ]; then shift drupal_iterate $* elif [ "$1" == "make" ]; then shift drupal_make $* elif [ "$1" == "install" ]; then shift drupal_install $* else echo "No action $1" exit 1 fi