path: root/files
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-09-21Adding zen, features and strongarm to 7.x makefileSilvio Rhatto
2011-03-29Makefile cleanup and updateSilvio Rhatto
2011-03-28Updating drush makefilesSilvio Rhatto
2011-03-02Adding tinymce into 6.x MakefileSilvio Rhatto
2011-03-02Adding diff into 6.x MakefileSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-24Makefile cleanupSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-23Cleanup and fixes at 7.x makefileSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-09More on makefile cleanupSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-09Makefile cleanupSilvio Rhatto
2011-02-04Drupal 6 makefile update; adding Drupal 7 makefileSilvio Rhatto
2010-11-27Removing duplicate definitions at makefileSilvio Rhatto
2010-11-27Using drupal6.makeSilvio Rhatto
2010-11-27Adding drupal makefileSilvio Rhatto