# File managed by puppet <% if netmask -%> subnet <%=name%> netmask <%=netmask%> { <% else -%> subnet <%=name%> netmask <%=netmask_eth0%> { <% end -%> <% if routers and not routers.empty? -%> option routers <%= routers.collect! {|i| "#{i}" }.join(",") %>; <% else -%> option routers <%=network_eth0%>; <% end -%> <% if subnet_mask -%> option subnet-mask <%=subnet_mask%>; <% elsif netmask -%> option subnet-mask <%=netmask%>; <% else -%> option subnet-mask <%=netmask_eth0%>; <% end -%> option broadcast-address <%=broadcast%>; <% if domain_name -%> option domain-name "<%=domain_name%>"; <% else -%> option domain-name "<%=domain%>"; <% end -%> <% if other_opts and not other_opts.empty? -%> <% if other_opts.is_a?(Array) -%> <%= other_opts.collect! {|i| " #{i};"}.join("\n") %> <% else -%> <%=other_opts%>; <% end -%> <% end -%> }