require 'spec_helper' describe 'dhcp::failover' do let (:title) { 'failover-dhcp' } on_supported_os.each do |os, facts| context "on #{os}" do let(:facts) do facts.merge({ :concat_basedir => '/var/lib/puppet/concat', :domain => '', :ipaddress => '', }) end context 'when passing wrong value for ensure' do let (:params) { { :ensure => 'foo', :peer_address => '', } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /"foo" does not match \["present", "absent"\]/) end end context 'when passing wrong type for address' do let (:params) { { :address => true, :peer_address => '', } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /true is not a string\./) end end context 'when passing wrong value for address' do let (:params) { { :address => 'foo', :peer_address => '', } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a valid IPv4 address\./) end end context 'when not passing peer_address' do it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Must pass peer_address to Dhcp::Failover/) end end context 'when passing wrong type for peer_address' do let (:params) { { :peer_address => true, } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /true is not a string\./) end end context 'when passing wrong value for peer_address' do let (:params) { { :peer_address => 'foo', } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /is not a valid IPv4 address\./) end end context 'when passing wrong type for peer_port' do let (:params) { { :peer_port => 'foo', :peer_address => '', } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Expected first argument to be an Integer/) end end context 'when passing wrong type for port' do let (:params) { { :peer_address => '', :port => 'foo', } } it 'should fail' do expect { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Expected first argument to be an Integer/) end end context 'when using defaults' do let (:params) { { :peer_address => '', } } it { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf').with( :ensure => 'file', :owner => 'root', :group => 'root' ).with_content( /failover peer "failover-dhcp" \{\n/ ).with_content( /primary;\n/ ).with_content( /address;\n/ ).with_content( /port 647;\n/ ).with_content( /peer address;\n/ ).with_content( /peer port 647;\n/ ) } it { should contain_concat__fragment('dhcp.failover.failover-dhcp').with({ :content => "include \"/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf\";\n", :target => '/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf', })} end context 'when passing options as a hash' do let (:params) { { :peer_address => '', :options => { 'max-response-delay' => '30', 'max-unacked-updates' => '10', 'load balance max seconds' => '3', 'mclt' => '1800', 'split' => '128', }, } } it { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf').with({ :ensure => 'file', :owner => 'root', :group => 'root' }).with_content( /failover peer "failover-dhcp" \{\n/ ).with_content( / load balance max seconds 3;\n/ ).with_content( / max-response-delay 30;\n/ ).with_content( / max-unacked-updates 10;\n/ ).with_content( / mclt 1800;\n/ ).with_content( / split 128;\n/ ) } end context 'when overriding all parameters' do let (:params) { { :peer_address => '', :address => '', :peer_port => 847, :port => 847, :options => { 'mclt' => 1800, }, :role => 'secondary', } } it { should contain_file('/etc/dhcp/failover.d/failover-dhcp.conf').with({ :ensure => 'file', :owner => 'root', :group => 'root' }).with_content( /secondary;\n/ ).with_content( /address;\n/ ).with_content( /port 847;\n/ ).with_content( /peer port 847;\n/ ).with_content( /mclt 1800;\n/ ) } end end end end