/* = Definition: dhcp::subnet Creates a subnet Arguments: *$broadcast* : subnet broadcast (mandatory) *$netmask* : subnet netmask (if not set, takes eth0 netmask) *$routers* : subnet routers (array) (if not set, takes eth0 IP) *$subnet_mask* : netmask sent to dhcp guests (if not set, takes $netmask, or netmask_eth0) *$domain_name* : subnet domain name (if not set, takes server domain) *$other_opts* : any other DHCPD option, as an array *$is_shared* : whether it's part of a shared network or not. Default: false Example: node "dhcp.domain.ltd" { $dhcpd_domain_name = 'domain.ltd' $dhcpd_dns_servers = ',' include dhcp dhcp::subnet {"": ensure => present, broadcast => "", other_opts => ['filename "pxelinux.0";', 'next-server;'], } } */ define dhcp::subnet( $ensure=present, $broadcast, $netmask=false, $routers=false, $subnet_mask=false, $domain_name=false, $other_opts=false, $is_shared=false) { include dhcp::params $to_include = "${dhcp::params::config_dir}/hosts.d/${name}.conf" file {"${dhcp::params::config_dir}/subnets/${name}.conf": ensure => $ensure, owner => root, group => root, content => template("dhcp/subnet.conf.erb"), notify => Service["dhcpd"], } if ! $is_shared { common::concatfilepart {"dhcp.${name}": file => "${dhcp::params::config_dir}/dhcpd.conf", ensure => $ensure, content => "include \"${dhcp::params::config_dir}/subnets/${name}.conf\";\n", } } else { common::concatfilepart {"dhcp.${name}": file => "${dhcp::params::config_dir}/dhcpd.conf", ensure => absent, content => "include \"${dhcp::params::config_dir}/subnets/${name}.conf\";\n", } } common::concatfilepart {"subnet.${name}.hosts": file => "${dhcp::params::config_dir}/dhcpd.conf", ensure => $ensure, content => "include \"${dhcp::params::config_dir}/hosts.d/${name}.conf\";\n", } common::concatfilepart {"00.dhcp.${name}.base": file => $to_include, ensure => $ensure, content => "# File managed by puppet\n", } }