# = Class: dhcp::server # Simple OS wrapper. Include this to install a dhcp server on your host. # # Requires: # module "common": git://github.com/camptocamp/puppet-common.git # # facultative argument: # *$ddns_update* : ddns-update-style option (default to none) # *$authoritative* : set it if you want that your DHCP server is # authoritative (default to no) # *$opts* : any other DHCPD valid options # # Example: # node "dhcp.toto.ltd" { # class { 'dhcp::server': # opts => ['domain-name "toto.ltd"', # 'domain-name-servers'], # } # # dhcp::subnet {"": # ensure => present, # broadcast => "", # other_opts => ['filename "pxelinux.0";', 'next-server;'], # } # # dhcp::host {"titi-eth0": # ensure => present, # mac => "0e:18:fa:fe:d9:00", # subnet => "", # fixed_address => "", # } # } # class dhcp::server ( $ddns_update = 'none', $authoritative = false, $opts = [], ) { class { '::dhcp::server::packages': } -> class { '::dhcp::server::config': } ~> class { '::dhcp::server::service': } }