# Definition: dhcp::hosts # # Creates a dhcp configuration for given hosts # # Arguments # $template: dhcp host template - default: 'dhcp/host.conf.erb' # $global_options: an array of global options for the whole bunch of hosts. # you may override it per host, setting the host "options" # directly in the hash. # $subnet: targeted subnet # $hash_data: hash containing data - default form: # { # => { # options => ['opt1', 'opt2'], # interfaces => { # eth0 => 'mac-address', # eth1 => 'mac-address', # wlan0 => 'mac-address', # wlan1 => 'mac-address', # …, # } # }, # => { # fixed_address => 'foo.example.com', # interfaces => { # eth0 => 'mac-address', # eth1 => 'mac-address', # wlan0 => 'mac-address', # wlan1 => 'mac-address', # …, # } # }, # …, # } # define dhcp::hosts ( $hash_data, $subnet, $ensure = present, $global_options = [], $template = "${module_name}/host.conf.erb", ) { include ::dhcp::params validate_string($ensure) validate_re($ensure, ['present', 'absent'], "\$ensure must be either 'present' or 'absent', got '${ensure}'") validate_hash($hash_data) validate_string($subnet) validate_re($subnet, '^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$') validate_array($global_options) validate_string($template) if ($ensure == 'present') { concat::fragment {"dhcp.host.${name}": target => "${dhcp::params::config_dir}/hosts.d/${subnet}.conf", content => template($template), notify => Service['dhcpd'], } } }