require 'beaker-rspec' require 'beaker/module_install_helper' require 'beaker/puppet_install_helper' require 'voxpupuli/acceptance/spec_helper_acceptance' $LOAD_PATH << File.join(__dir__, 'acceptance/lib') # TODO: This should be added to Beaker def assert_matching_arrays(expected, actual, message = '') assert_equal(expected.sort, actual.sort, message) end # TODO: Remove the wrappers to user_present # and user_absent if Beaker::Host's user_present # and user_absent functions are fixed to work with # Arista (EOS). def user_present(host, username) case host['platform'] when %r{eos} on(host, "useradd #{username}") else host.user_present(username) end end def user_absent(host, username) case host['platform'] when %r{eos} on(host, "userdel #{username}", acceptable_exit_codes: [0, 1]) else host.user_absent(username) end end def beaker_opts { debug: true, trace: true, expect_failures: true, acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256) } # { expect_failures: true, acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256) } end def compatible_agents agents.reject { |agent| agent['platform'].include?('windows') || agent['platform'].include?('eos-') } end def clean(agent, o = {}) o = { user: 'tstuser' }.merge(o) run_cron_on(agent, :remove, o[:user]) apply_manifest_on(agent, %([user{'%s': ensure => absent, managehome => false }]) % o[:user]) end def setup(agent, o = {}) o = { user: 'tstuser' }.merge(o) apply_manifest_on(agent, %(user { '%s': ensure => present, managehome => false }) % o[:user]) apply_manifest_on(agent, %(case $facts['os']['name'] { centos, redhat, fedora, amazon: {$cron = 'cronie'} solaris: { $cron = 'core-os' } default: {$cron ='cron'} } package {'cron': name=> $cron, ensure=>present, })) end # Returns all of the lines that correspond to crontab entries # on the agent. For simplicity, these are any lines that do # not begin with '#'. def crontab_entries_of(host, username) crontab_contents = run_cron_on(host, :list, username).stdout.strip { |line| line =~ %r{^#} } end def resource_manifest(resource, title, params = {}) params_str = { |param, value| # This is not quite correct for all parameter values, # but it is good enough for most purposes. value_str = value.to_s value_str = "\"#{value_str}\"" if value.is_a?(String) " #{param} => #{value_str}" }.join(",\n") <<-MANIFEST #{resource} { '#{title}': #{params_str} } MANIFEST end def file_manifest(path, params = {}) resource_manifest('file', path, params) end def cron_manifest(entry_name, params = {}) resource_manifest('cron', entry_name, params) end def user_manifest(username, params = {}) resource_manifest('user', username, params) end RSpec.configure do |c| c.before :suite do unless ENV['BEAKER_provision'] == 'no' run_puppet_install_helper install_module_on(hosts_as('default')) install_module_dependencies_on(hosts) end end end