test_name '(#656) leading and trailing whitespace in cron entries should should be stripped' confine :except, platform: 'windows' confine :except, platform: %r{^eos-} # See PUP-5500 confine :except, platform: %r{^fedora-28} tag 'audit:medium', 'audit:refactor', # Use block style `test_name` 'audit:unit' require 'puppet/acceptance/common_utils' extend Puppet::Acceptance::CronUtils teardown do step 'Cron: cleanup' agents.each do |agent| clean agent end end agents.each do |host| step 'create user account for testing cron entries' setup host step 'apply the resource on the host using puppet resource' on(host, puppet_resource('cron', 'crontest', 'user=tstuser', "command=' date > /dev/null '", 'ensure=present')) do assert_match(%r{created}, stdout, "Did not create crontab for tstuser on #{host}") end step 'verify the added crontab entry has stripped whitespace' run_cron_on(host, :list, 'tstuser') do assert_match(%r{\* \* \* \* \* date > .dev.null}, stdout, "Incorrect crontab for tstuser on #{host}") end step 'apply the resource with trailing whitespace and check nothing happened' on(host, puppet_resource('cron', 'crontest', 'user=tstuser', "command='date > /dev/null '", 'ensure=present')) do assert_no_match(%r{ensure: created}, stdout, "Rewrote the line with trailing space in crontab for tstuser on #{host}") end step 'apply the resource with leading whitespace and check nothing happened' on(host, puppet_resource('cron', 'crontest', 'user=tstuser', "command=' date > /dev/null'", 'ensure=present')) do assert_no_match(%r{ensure: created}, stdout, "Rewrote the line with trailing space in crontab for tstuser on #{host}") end end