require 'spec_helper_acceptance' require 'puppet/acceptance/common_utils' extend Puppet::Acceptance::CronUtils Rspec.context 'when removing crontab' do before(:each) do compatible_agents.each do |agent| step 'ensure the user exists via puppet' setup(agent) end end after(:each) do compatible_agents.each do |agent| step 'Cron: cleanup' clean(agent) end end compatible_agents.each do |host| it 'removes existing crontabs' do step 'create the existing job by hand...' run_cron_on(host, :add, 'tstuser', '* * * * * /bin/true') step 'apply the resource on the host using puppet resource' on(host, puppet_resource('cron', 'crontest', 'user=tstuser', 'command=/bin/true', 'ensure=absent')) do expect(stdout).to match(%r{crontest\D+ensure:\s+removed}) end step 'verify that crontab -l contains what you expected' run_cron_on(host, :list, 'tstuser') do expect(stderr).to match(%r{/bin/true}) end end end end