path: root/spec/unit/provider/cron/crontab_spec.rb
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1 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/provider/cron/crontab_spec.rb b/spec/unit/provider/cron/crontab_spec.rb
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+++ b/spec/unit/provider/cron/crontab_spec.rb
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+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Puppet::Type.type(:cron).provider(:crontab) do
+ subject do
+ provider = Puppet::Type.type(:cron).provider(:crontab)
+ provider.initvars
+ provider
+ end
+ def compare_crontab_text(have, want)
+ # We should have four header lines, and then the text...
+ expect(have.lines.to_a[0..3]).to(be_all { |x| x =~ %r{^# } })
+ expect(have.lines.to_a[4..-1].join('')).to eq(want)
+ end
+ context 'with the simple samples' do
+ FIELDS = {
+ crontab: ['command', 'minute', 'hour', 'month', 'monthday', 'weekday'].map { |o| o.to_sym },
+ environment: [:line],
+ blank: [:line],
+ comment: [:line],
+ }.freeze
+ def compare_crontab_record(have, want)
+ want.each do |param, value|
+ expect(have).to be_key param
+ expect(have[param]).to eq(value)
+ end
+ (FIELDS[have[:record_type]] - want.keys).each do |name|
+ expect(have[name]).to eq(:absent)
+ end
+ end
+ ########################################################################
+ # Simple input fixtures for testing.
+ samples = YAML.load(File.read(my_fixture('single_line.yaml'))) # rubocop:disable Security/YAMLLoad
+ samples.each do |name, data|
+ it "should parse crontab line #{name} correctly" do
+ compare_crontab_record subject.parse_line(data[:text]), data[:record]
+ end
+ it "should reconstruct the crontab line #{name} from the record" do
+ expect(subject.to_line(data[:record])).to eq(data[:text])
+ end
+ end
+ records = []
+ text = ''
+ # Sorting is from the original, and avoids :empty being the last line,
+ # since the provider will ignore that and cause this to fail.
+ samples.sort_by { |x| x.first.to_s }.each do |_name, data|
+ records << data[:record]
+ text << data[:text] + "\n"
+ end
+ it 'parses all sample records at once' do
+ subject.parse(text).zip(records).each do |round|
+ compare_crontab_record(*round)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'reconstitutes the file from the records' do
+ compare_crontab_text subject.to_file(records), text
+ end
+ context 'multi-line crontabs' do
+ tests = { simple: [:spaces_in_command_with_times],
+ with_name: [:name, :spaces_in_command_with_times],
+ with_env: [:environment, :spaces_in_command_with_times],
+ with_multiple_envs: [:environment, :lowercase_environment, :spaces_in_command_with_times],
+ with_name_and_env: [:name_with_spaces, :another_env, :spaces_in_command_with_times],
+ with_name_and_multiple_envs: [:long_name, :another_env, :fourth_env, :spaces_in_command_with_times] }
+ all_records = []
+ all_text = ''
+ tests.each do |name, content|
+ data = content.map { |x| samples[x] || raise("missing sample data #{x}") }
+ text = data.map { |x| x[:text] }.join("\n") + "\n"
+ records = data.map { |x| x[:record] }
+ # Capture the whole thing for later, too...
+ all_records += records
+ all_text += text
+ context name.to_s.tr('_', ' ') do
+ it 'regenerates the text from the record' do
+ compare_crontab_text subject.to_file(records), text
+ end
+ it 'parses the records from the text' do
+ subject.parse(text).zip(records).each do |round|
+ compare_crontab_record(*round)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'parses the whole set of records from the text' do
+ subject.parse(all_text).zip(all_records).each do |round|
+ compare_crontab_record(*round)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'regenerates the whole text from the set of all records' do
+ compare_crontab_text subject.to_file(all_records), all_text
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when receiving a vixie cron header from the cron interface' do
+ it 'does not write that header back to disk' do
+ vixie_header = File.read(my_fixture('vixie_header.txt'))
+ vixie_records = subject.parse(vixie_header)
+ compare_crontab_text subject.to_file(vixie_records), ''
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when adding a cronjob with the same command as an existing job' do
+ let(:record) { { name: 'existing', user: 'root', command: '/bin/true', record_type: :crontab } }
+ let(:resource) { Puppet::Type::Cron.new(name: 'test', user: 'root', command: '/bin/true') }
+ let(:resources) { { 'test' => resource } }
+ before :each do
+ subject.stubs(:prefetch_all_targets).returns([record])
+ end
+ # this would be a more fitting test, but I haven't yet
+ # figured out how to get it working
+ # it "should include both jobs in the output" do
+ # subject.prefetch(resources)
+ # class Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile
+ # def self.records
+ # @records
+ # end
+ # end
+ # subject.to_file(subject.records).should match /Puppet name: test/
+ # end
+ it "does not base the new resource's provider on the existing record" do
+ subject.expects(:new).with(record).never
+ subject.stubs(:new)
+ subject.prefetch(resources)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when prefetching an entry now managed for another user' do
+ let(:resource) do
+ s = stub(:resource)
+ s.stubs(:[]).with(:user).returns 'root'
+ s.stubs(:[]).with(:target).returns 'root'
+ s
+ end
+ let(:record) { { name: 'test', user: 'nobody', command: '/bin/true', record_type: :crontab } }
+ let(:resources) { { 'test' => resource } }
+ before :each do
+ subject.stubs(:prefetch_all_targets).returns([record])
+ end
+ it 'tries and use the match method to find a more fitting record' do
+ subject.expects(:match).with(record, resources)
+ subject.prefetch(resources)
+ end
+ it 'does not match a provider to the resource' do
+ resource.expects(:provider=).never
+ subject.prefetch(resources)
+ end
+ it 'does not find the resource when looking up the on-disk record' do
+ subject.prefetch(resources)
+ expect(subject.resource_for_record(record, resources)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when matching resources to existing crontab entries' do
+ let(:first_resource) { Puppet::Type::Cron.new(name: :one, user: 'root', command: '/bin/true') }
+ let(:second_resource) { Puppet::Type::Cron.new(name: :two, user: 'nobody', command: '/bin/false') }
+ let(:resources) { { one: first_resource, two: second_resource } }
+ describe 'with a record with a matching name and mismatching user (#2251)' do
+ # Puppet::Resource objects have #should defined on them, so in these
+ # examples we have to use the monkey patched `must` alias for the rspec
+ # `should` method.
+ it "doesn't match the record to the resource" do
+ record = { name: :one, user: 'notroot', record_type: :crontab }
+ expect(subject.resource_for_record(record, resources)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'with a record with a matching name and matching user' do
+ it 'matches the record to the resource' do
+ record = { name: :two, target: 'nobody', command: '/bin/false' }
+ expect(subject.resource_for_record(record, resources)).to eq(second_resource)
+ end
+ end
+ end