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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/lib/puppet/acceptance/common_utils.rb b/spec/acceptance/lib/puppet/acceptance/common_utils.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7a340..0000000
--- a/spec/acceptance/lib/puppet/acceptance/common_utils.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-module Puppet
- module Acceptance
- module CronUtils
- def clean(agent, o={})
- o = {:user => 'tstuser'}.merge(o)
- run_cron_on(agent, :remove, o[:user])
- apply_manifest_on(agent, %[user { '%s': ensure => absent, managehome => false }] % o[:user])
- end
- def setup(agent, o={})
- o = {:user => 'tstuser'}.merge(o)
- apply_manifest_on(agent, %[user { '%s': ensure => present, managehome => false }] % o[:user])
- apply_manifest_on(agent, %[case $operatingsystem {
- centos, redhat: {$cron = 'cronie'}
- solaris: { $cron = 'core-os' }
- default: {$cron ='cron'} }
- package {'cron': name=> $cron, ensure=>present, }])
- end
- end
- module CAUtils
- def clean_cert(host, cn, check = true)
- if host == master && master[:is_puppetserver]
- on master, puppet_resource("service", master['puppetservice'], "ensure=stopped")
- end
- on(host, puppet('cert', 'clean', cn), :acceptable_exit_codes => check ? [0] : [0, 24])
- if check
- assert_match(/remov.*Certificate.*#{cn}/i, stdout, "Should see a log message that certificate request was removed.")
- on(host, puppet('cert', 'list', '--all'))
- assert_no_match(/#{cn}/, stdout, "Should not see certificate in list anymore.")
- end
- end
- def clear_agent_ssl
- return if master.is_pe?
- step "All: Clear agent only ssl settings (do not clear master)"
- hosts.each do |host|
- next if host == master
- ssldir = on(host, puppet('agent --configprint ssldir')).stdout.chomp
- (host[:platform] =~ /cisco_nexus/) ? on(host, "rm -rf #{ssldir}") : on(host, host_command("rm -rf '#{ssldir}'"))
- end
- end
- def reset_agent_ssl(resign = true)
- return if master.is_pe?
- clear_agent_ssl
- hostname = master.execute('facter hostname')
- fqdn = master.execute('facter fqdn')
- step "Clear old agent certificates from master" do
- agents.each do |agent|
- next if agent == master && agent.is_using_passenger?
- agent_cn = on(agent, puppet('agent --configprint certname')).stdout.chomp
- clean_cert(master, agent_cn, false) if agent_cn
- end
- end
- if resign
- step "Master: Ensure the master is listening and autosigning"
- with_puppet_running_on(master,
- :master => {
- :dns_alt_names => "puppet,#{hostname},#{fqdn}",
- :autosign => true,
- }
- ) do
- agents.each do |agent|
- next if agent == master && agent.is_using_passenger?
- step "Agents: Run agent --test once to obtain auto-signed cert" do
- on agent, puppet('agent', "--test --server #{master}"), :acceptable_exit_codes => [0,2]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- module CommandUtils
- def ruby_command(host)
- "env PATH=\"#{host['privatebindir']}:${PATH}\" ruby"
- end
- module_function :ruby_command
- def gem_command(host, type='aio')
- if type == 'aio'
- if host['platform'] =~ /windows/
- "env PATH=\"#{host['privatebindir']}:${PATH}\" cmd /c gem"
- else
- "env PATH=\"#{host['privatebindir']}:${PATH}\" gem"
- end
- else
- on(host, 'which gem').stdout.chomp
- end
- end
- module_function :gem_command
- end
- end