What is it? =========== A Puppet module that can construct files from fragments. Please see the comments in the various .pp files for details as well as posts on my blog at www.devco.net Released under the Apache 2.0 licence Usage: ====== If you wanted a /etc/motd file that listed all the major modules on the machine. And that would be maintained automatically even if you just remove the include lines for other modules you could use code like below, a sample /etc/motd would be:
Puppet modules on this server:

    -- Apache
    -- MySQL
# class to setup basic motd, include on all nodes
class motd {
      owner => root,
      group => root,
      mode  => 644

      content => "\nPuppet modules on this server:\n\n",
      order   => 1,

# used by other modules to register themselves in the motd
define motd::register($content="", $order=10) {
   if $content == "" {
      $body = $name
   } else {
      $body = $content

      target  => "/etc/motd",
      content => "    -- $body\n"

# a sample apache module
class apache {
   include apache::install, apache::config, apache::service

   motd::register{"Apache": }
Contact: ======== You can contact me on rip@devco.net or follow my blog at www.devco.net I am also on twitter as ripienaar