class certbot( $script_base = '/usr/bin', $basedir = '/var/spool/certbot', $owner = 'www-data', $pre_hook = '', $post_hook = '', $pre_command = '', $post_command = '', $plugin = 'webroot', ) { $tool = $::lsbdistcodename ? { 'xenial' => 'letsencrypt', default => 'certbot', } if $pre_hook != '' { $real_pre_hook = "--pre-hook \"${pre_hook}\"" } if $post_hook != '' { $real_post_hook = "--post-hook \"${post_hook}\"" } if $pre_command != '' { $real_pre_command = "${pre_command} &&" } if $post_command != '' { $real_post_command = "&& ${post_command}" } # Certbot support file { $basedir: ensure => directory, owner => 'root', group => $owner, mode => '0750', } package { $tool: ensure => $::lsbdistcodename ? { trusty => absent, default => present, }, require => File[$basedir], } # Chosing an arbitrary minute within the hour in the hope that won't overload Let's Encrypt servers cron { 'certbot-renew': command => "${real_pre_command}${script_base}/${tool} renew --${plugin} --quiet -n ${real_pre_hook} ${real_post_hook} ${real_post_command}", user => 'root', hour => [ 5, 23 ], minute => "28", ensure => present, require => Package[$tool], } }