# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : Vagrant::Config.run do |config| # Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of. config.vm.box = "wheezy" # Shell provisioner to keep the system updated. config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y && sudo apt-get clean" # Enable provisioning with Puppet stand alone. config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifest_file = "vagrant.pp" puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests" puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules" puppet.pp_path = "/etc/puppet" end # Share hiera configuration. config.vm.share_folder "hiera", "/etc/puppet/hiera", "puppet/hiera", create: true end