# = definition: bind::generate # # Creates a $GENERATE directive for a specific zone # # == Arguments # $zone: mandatory - zone name. Must reflect a bind::zone resource # $range: mandatory - range allocated to internal generate directive. # Must be in the form 'first-last', like '2-254' # $record_type: mandatory - must be one of PTR, CNAME, DNAME, A, AAAA and NS # $lhs: mandatory - generated name (see examples) # $rhs: mandatory - record target (see examples) # $record_class: optional - incompatible with pre-9.3 bind versions # $ttl: optional - time tolive for generated records # # == Examples # # bind::zone {'test.tld': # zone_contact => 'contact.test.tld', # zone_ns => 'ns0.test.tld', # zone_serial => '2012112901', # zone_ttl => '604800', # zone_origin => 'test.tld', # } # ## Generate A records # bind::generate {'a-records': # zone => 'test.tld', # range => '2-100', # record_type => 'A', # lhs => 'dhcp-$', # creates dhcp-2.test.tld, dhcp-3.test.tld … # rhs => '10.10.0.$', # creates IP, … # } # ## Means: dig dhcp-10.test.tld will resolv to # # ## Generate CNAME records # bind::generate {'a-records': # zone => 'test.tld', # range => '2-100', # record_type => 'CNAME', # lhs => 'dhcp-$', # creates dhcp-2.test.tld, dhcp-3.test.tld … # rhs => 'dhcp$', # creates IP dhcp2.test.tld, dhcp3.test.tld … # } # ## Means: dig dhcp10.test.tld => dhcp-10.test.tld => # # bind::zone {'0.10.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA': # zone_contact => 'contact.test.tld', # zone_ns => 'ns0.test.tld', # zone_serial => '2012112901', # zone_ttl => '604800', # zone_origin => '0.10.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA', # } # ## Generates PTR # bind::generate {'ptr-records': # zone => '0.10.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA', # range => '2-100', # record_type => 'PTR', # lhs => '$.0.10.10.IN-ADDR.ARPA.', # … # rhs => 'dhcp-$.test.tld.', # creates dhcp-2.test.tld … # } # ## Means: dig will resolv to dhcp-10.test.tld # # # For more information regarding this directive # and the definition arguments, please have a # look at # http://www.bind9.net/manual/bind/9.3.2/Bv9ARM.ch06.html#id2566761 # # NOTE: in order to prevent some funky-funny thing, the orignal # "class" and "type" variables # are renamed as $record_class and $record_type in this definition. # define bind::generate( $zone, $range, $record_type, $lhs, $rhs, $ensure=present, $record_class='', $ttl='') { concat::fragment {"${zone}.${record_type}.${range}.generate": ensure => $ensure, target => "/etc/bind/pri/${zone}.conf", content => template('bind/generate.erb'), notify => Service['bind9'], } }