# This configuration file was auto-generated by the Puppet configuration # management system. Any changes you make to this file will be overwritten # the next time Puppet runs. Please make configuration changes to this # service in Puppet. [general] <%- %w{@log @partition @fscheck @read_only @mountpoint @backupdir @format @days @keepdaily @keepweekly @keepmonthly @lockfile @nicelevel @enable_mv_timestamp_bug, @tmp, @multiconnection}.each do |v| if has_variable?(v) and instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s != "false" -%> <%= v + ' = ' + instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s %> <%- end end -%> [source] <% unless @from.empty? and @from.to_s != "false" -%> from = <%= f@rom %> <% end -%> <%- %w{@include exclude}.each do |v| if has_variable?(v) instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_a.each do |parameter| -%> <%= v + ' = ' + parameter %> <%- end end end -%> [dest] <%- %w{@dest @testconnect @ssh @protocol @numericids @compress @host @port @user @id_file @bandwidthlimit @remote_rsync @batch @batchbase @fakesuper}.each do |v| if has_variable?(v) and instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s != "false" -%> <%= v + ' = ' + instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s %> <%- end end -%> [services] <%- %w{@initscripts service}.each do |v| if has_variable?(v) and instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s != "false" -%> <%= v + ' = ' + instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s %> <%- end end -%> [system] <%- %w{@rm @cp @touch @mv @fsck}.each do |v| if has_variable?(v) and instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s != "false" -%> <%= v + ' = ' + instance_variable_get("@#{v}").to_s %> <%- end end -%>