# This configuration file was auto-generated by the Puppet configuration # management system. Any changes you make to this file will be overwritten # the next time Puppet runs. Please make configuration changes to this # service in Puppet. <%= 'options = ' + @options if @options %> <%= 'nicelevel = ' + @nicelevel if @nicelevel %> <%= 'testconnect = ' + @testconnect if @testconnect %> <%= 'tmpdir = ' + @tmpdir if @tmpdir %> [gpg] <%= 'sign = ' + @sign if @sign %> <%= 'encryptkey = ' + @encryptkey if @encryptkey %> <%= 'signkey = ' + @signkey if @signkey %> <%= 'password = ' + @password if @password %> [source] <% if @include.is_a? String -%> <%= 'include = ' + @include %> <% elsif @include.is_a? Array -%> <%= @include.map { |i| "include = #{i}" }.join("\n") %> <% end -%> <% if @exclude.is_a? String -%> <%= 'exclude = ' + @exclude %> <% elsif @exclude.is_a? Array -%> <%= @exclude.map { |i| "exclude = #{i}" }.join("\n") %> <% end -%> <% if @vsinclude.is_a? String -%> <%= 'vsinclude = ' + @vsinclude %> <% elsif @vsinclude.is_a? Array -%> <%= @vsinclude.map { |i| "vsinclude = #{i}" }.join("\n") %> <% end -%> [dest] <%= 'incremental = ' + @incremental if @incremental %> <%= 'increments = ' + @increments if @increments %> <%= 'keep = ' + @keep if @keep %> <%= 'keepincroffulls = ' + @keepincroffulls if @keepincroffulls %> <%= 'bandwidthlimit = ' + @bandwidthlimit if @bandwidthlimit %> <%= 'sshoptions = ' + @sshoptions if @sshoptions %> <%= 'destdir = ' + @destdir if @destdir %> <%= 'desthost = ' + @desthost if @desthost %> <%= 'destuser = ' + @destuser if @destuser %> <%= 'desturl = ' + @desturl if @desturl %>