# maildir handler, as part of a backupninja run. # # The maildir handler slowly creates a backup of each user's # maildir to a remote server. It is designed to be run with # low overhead in terms of CPU and bandwidth, so it runs pretty # slow. Hardlinking is used to save storage space. The actual # maildir is stored within each snapshot directory. # # Valid attributes for this type are: # # order: The prefix to give to the handler config filename, to set # order in which the actions are executed during the backup run. # # ensure: Allows you to delete an entry if you don't want it any more # (but be sure to keep the configdir, name, and order the same, so # that we can find the correct file to remove). # # define backupninja::maildir( $order = 40, $ensure = present, $when = 'everyday at 21:00', $srcdir = false, $destdir = false, $desthost = false, $destuser = false, $destid_file = false, $remove = no, $multiconnection = yes, $keepdaily='4', $keepweekly='2', $keepmonthly='2') { include backupninja::client case $srcdir { false: { err("need to define a source directory to backup!") } } case $destdir { false: { err("need to define a destination directory to backup!") } } case $desthost { false: { err("need to define a destination host for backups!") } } case $destuser { false: { err("need to define a destination user for backups!") } } case $destid_file { false: { err("need to define a ssh key id file to use!") } } file { "${backupninja::client::configdir}/${order}_${name}.maildir": ensure => $ensure, content => template('backupninja/maildir.conf.erb'), owner => root, group => root, mode => 0600, require => File["${backupninja::client::configdir}"] } }