# Mount a labelled partition on a directory as part of a backupninja run. # # This type will automatically create an unmount action with an order of 99 # for the destination directory you specify here. # # Valid attributes for this type are: # # order: The prefix to give to the handler config filename, to set # order in which the actions are executed during the backup run. Note # that the value given here should be less than any action which # requires the filesystem to be mounted! # # ensure: Allows you to delete an entry if you don't want it any more # (but be sure to keep the configdir, name, and order the same, so # that we can find the correct file to remove). # # label: The partition label to mount. # # dest: The directory to mount the partition onto. # define backupninja::labelmount($order = 10, $ensure = present, $label, $dest ) { include backupninja::client file { "${backup::client::configdir}/${order}_${name}.labelmount": ensure => $ensure, content => template('backupninja/labelmount.conf.erb'), owner => root, group => root, mode => 0600, require => File["${backup::client::configdir}"] } file { "${backup::client::configdir}/99_${name}.umount": ensure => $ensure, content => template('backupninja/umount.conf.erb'), owner => root, group => root, mode => 0600, require => File["${backup::client::configdir}"] } # Copy over the handler scripts themselves, since they're not in the # standard distribution, and are unlikely to end up there any time # soon because backupninja's "build" system is balls. file { "/usr/share/backupninja/labelmount": content => template('backupninja/labelmount.handler'), owner => root, group => root, mode => 0755, require => Package[backupninja] } file { "/usr/share/backupninja/umount": content => template('backupninja/umount.handler'), owner => root, group => root, mode => 0755, require => Package[backupninja] } }