path: root/manifests/config.pp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2009-03-09fix the $when default parameter to use the correct syntaxMicah Anderson
If when is set to just '01:00' (as it was previously), then backups will never run due to the time format being specified incorrectly. Backupninja considers '01:00' to be the day of the week and every time it wakes up to see if it is time to do a backup it determines that it is currently not the day "01:00" and so it shouldn't do a backup now. In otherwords, it will never do a backup at this rate. I've filed a bug for this issue, because it probably should at least let you know that you've failed. https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/show/640
2008-07-31change to standardized formattingMicah Anderson
2008-06-05config option should be vservers pluralMicah Anderson
2008-06-03add vserver support to backupninja configMicah Anderson
add vsnames support to mysql config
2008-05-21I dont like how any of this is done, but it needs to be working again,Micah Anderson
and then made better later. The ninjareport is a pretty bad way of collecting all the backupninja reports into one email called the 'ninjareport' which contains all the hosts with backupninja problems, and a notice about any hosts that haven't reported in for a while. The way it works is each participating host has a limited command ssh key installed in /root/.ssh/id_rsa which enables it to rsync its /var/log/backupninja.log to ninja@admin:/var/lib/backupninja/reports/$hostname.log. After the backup runs on the host, it does this rsync. On v.admin, there is a /var/lib/backupninja/.ssh/authorized_keys which has the ssh public key part of each host's ssh key, command-limited to only allow an rsync of their backupninja.log file. There is a cronjob there that runs once a day and collects new logs and does some basic figuring and then collects those all into one email. There are *many* ways that this needs to be improved. From the puppet side, the approach is all wrong, and there is a lot of dupliacted configuration that is being done, it needs to be turned into a define and export and collection needs to be done. The whole thing needs to be redesigned from the ground up, but I don't have the mental space to do it right now, and it needs to work :(
2007-12-07add missing libdirMicah Anderson
2007-11-20add backupninja moduleMicah Anderson