AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-04-05Fact osfamily might not be available everywhere, defaulting to debianHEADmasterSilvio Rhatto
2012-10-28Readying for 0.0.3Michael Stahnke
2012-10-28Do not attempt to do avahi stuff on non-linuxMichael Stahnke
2012-10-18Readying for 0.0.2Michael Stahnke
2012-10-18Give avahi_dbus an abstracted nameMichael Stahnke
2012-10-18Ready for publishingMichael Stahnke
2012-08-03Add Debian Wheezy supportMichael Stahnke
2012-10-18Adding params classMichael Stahnke
2012-10-18Initial commitMichael Stahnke