forked from Overview ======== This module manages apt on Debian. It keeps dpkg's and apt's databases as well as the keyrings for securing package download current. is added and an archive key is provided[1]. dselect is switched to expert mode to suppress superfluous help screens. sources.list and apt_preferences are managed. Testing and unstable are pinned to very low values by default to prevent accidental upgrades. This module needs lsb-release installed. Variables ========= $apt_clean ---------- Sets DSelect::Clean, defaults to 'auto' on normal hosts and 'pre-auto' in vservers, since the latter are usually more space-bound and have better recovery mechanisms via the host: From apt.conf(5), 0.7.2: "Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto, pre-auto and never. always and prompt will remove all packages from the cache after upgrading, prompt (the default) does so conditionally. auto removes only those packages which are no longer downloadable (replaced with a new version for instance). pre-auto performs this action before downloading new packages." $lsbdistcodename ---------------- Contains the codename ("etch", "lenny", ...) of the client's release. While these values come from lsb-release by default, this value can be set manually too, e.g. to enable forced upgrades $custom_sources_list -------------------- By default this module will use a basic apt/sources.list with a generic debian mirror. If you need to set more specific sources, e.g. for country proximity, proxies, etc. you can set this variable to the location of your sources.list template. For example, setting the following variable before including this class will pull in the templates/apt/sources.list file: $custom_sources_list ='template("apt/sources.list")' $custom_preferences -------------------- By default this module will use a basic apt/preferences file with unstable and testing pinned to very low values so that any package installation will not accidentally pull in packages from those suites unless you explicitly specify the version number. You can set this variable to pull in a customized apt/preferences template, for example, setting the following variable before including this class will pull in the templates/apt/preferences file: $custom_preferences = 'template("apt/preferences")' $custom_key_dir --------------- If you have different apt-key files that you want to get added to your apt keyring, you can set this variable to a path in your fileserver where individual key files can be placed. If this is set and keys exist there, this module will apt-key add each key $backports_enabled ------------------ If set to true, the debian backports repository is enabled through a file in /etc/apt/sources.d/. Defaults to true. $apt_deb_src_enabled -------------------- If set to true, the debian sources repository is enabled through a file in /etc/apt/sources.d/. Defaults to false. $apt_volatile_enabled -------------------- If set to true, the debiani volatile repository is enabled through a file in /etc/apt/sources.d/. Defaults to false. Classes ======= apt --- Sets up the basic apt package management. apt::unattended_upgrades ------------------------ Sets up the unattended-upgrades package, and configures it mostly through the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades. Unfortunately there seems to be a bug in unattended-upgrades <= 0.25.1 that wildcards aren't recognized, so use it with care ! Resources ========= File[apt_config] ---------------- Use this resource to depend on or add to a completed apt configuration Exec[apt_updated] ----------------- After this point, current packages can installed via apt, usually used like this: Package { require => Exec[apt_updated] } apt::preseeded_package ---------------------- This simplifies installation of packages that you wish to preseed the answers to debconf. For example, if you wish to provide a preseed file for the locales package, you would place the locales.seed file in templates/$debian_version/locales.seeds and then include the following in your manifest: apt::preseeded_package { locales: } apt::upgrade_package -------------------- This simplifies upgrades for DSA security announcements or point-releases. This will ensure that the named package is upgrade to the version specified, only if the package is installed, otherwise nothing happens. If the specified version is 'latest' (the default), then the package is ensured to be upgraded to the latest package revision when it becomes available. For example, the following upgrades the perl package to version 5.8.8-7etch1 (if it is installed), it also upgrades the syslog-ng and perl-modules packages to their latest (also, only if they are installed): upgrade_package { "perl": version => '5.8.8-7etch1'; "syslog-ng": version => latest; "perl-modules": } apt::custom_sources_template ---------------------------- Deploys custom sources in /etc/apt/sources.list.d, i.e. apt::custom_sources_template { "site-apt/my-repository.list.erb": sources_file => "my-repository.list" } TODO ==== Enable debian-archive-keyring handling for sarge, lenny and sid. Enable selection of country-specific mirrors. Currently this module updates the caches on every run. Running dselect update is a expensive operation and should be done only on schedule by using apticron. Sometimes -- especially when initially starting management or deploying new packages -- a immediate update is really needed to be able to install the right packages without errors. Thus a method should be devised to be able to specify with high fidelity when a update should be run and when it is not needed. [1] Of course, you should check the validity of _this_ key yourself.