diff options
authorProviders Commitment for Privacy <pcp@nothingtohide.is>2015-10-08 09:08:06 -0300
committerProviders Commitment for Privacy <pcp@nothingtohide.is>2015-10-08 09:08:06 -0300
commit4a6b9cfaae3c98493be33201b77d3423c71b211d (patch)
parent2e62869e89854faadb9b1a667e33802a497e47b8 (diff)
Support for static site generationdevelop
5 files changed, 273 insertions, 427 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index eecda60..3bd88ce 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d26d2c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Ikiwiki Makefile
+# This Makefile is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+# This Makefile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
+# Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ @ikiwiki --setup ikiwiki.setup
+ @chmod +x bin/*
+ #git push web
+ #git annex sync
+ @rsync -avz --delete www/ policy:/var/sites/policy/www/
+ git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
+ cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../bin/post-update
+ git config receive.denyCurrentBranch ignore
+ cd .git/hooks && ln -sf ../../bin/post-receive
+ git config user.name "Providers Commitment for Privacy"
+ git config user.email pcp@nothingtohide.is
diff --git a/bin/post-receive b/bin/post-receive
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..996189d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/post-receive
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+cd ..
+unset GIT_DIR
+git checkout -f
+git submodule update --init --recursive
diff --git a/bin/post-update b/bin/post-update
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48a6a16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/post-update
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+cd ..
+unset GIT_DIR
+if [ -d ".git/annex" ]; then
+ git annex sync
+ git reset HEAD
+ git checkout -f
+git submodule update --init --recursive
+cd -
+exec git update-server-info
diff --git a/ikiwiki.setup b/ikiwiki.setup
index aa88182..9882784 100644
--- a/ikiwiki.setup
+++ b/ikiwiki.setup
@@ -1,430 +1,216 @@
-# IkiWiki::Setup::Yaml - YAML formatted setup file
+# Configuration file for ikiwiki.
+# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate wrappers and
+# build the wiki.
-# Setup file for ikiwiki.
-# Passing this to ikiwiki --setup will make ikiwiki generate
-# wrappers and build the wiki.
# Remember to re-run ikiwiki --setup any time you edit this file.
-# name of the wiki
-wikiname: Providers' Commitment for Privacy
-# contact email for wiki
-adminemail: root@localhost
-# users who are wiki admins
- - https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat
-# users who are banned from the wiki
-banned_users: []
-# where the source of the wiki is located
-srcdir: /home/a-policy/source
-# where to build the wiki
-destdir: /home/a-policy/public_html
-# base url to the wiki
-url: http://policy.anarcat.ath.cx
-# url to the ikiwiki.cgi
-cgiurl: http://policy.anarcat.ath.cx/ikiwiki.cgi
-# filename of cgi wrapper to generate
-cgi_wrapper: /var/www/a-policy/ikiwiki.cgi
-# mode for cgi_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
-cgi_wrappermode: 0755
-# rcs backend to use
-rcs: git
-# plugins to add to the default configuration
- - goodstuff
- - websetup
- - 404
- - ikiwikihosting
- - recentchangesdiff
- - theme
- - prettydate
- - version
- - headinganchors
- - editdiff
- - format
- - relativedate
- - sortnaturally
- - branchable
- - sidebar
-# plugins to disable
- - search
-# additional directory to search for template files
-templatedir: /usr/share/ikiwiki/templates
-# base wiki source location
-underlaydir: /usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki
-# display verbose messages?
-#verbose: 1
-# log to syslog?
-syslog: 1
-# create output files named page/index.html?
-usedirs: 1
-# use '!'-prefixed preprocessor directives?
-prefix_directives: 1
-# use page/index.mdwn source files
-indexpages: 0
-# enable Discussion pages?
-discussion: 1
-# name of Discussion pages
-discussionpage: Discussion
-# generate HTML5?
-html5: 0
-# only send cookies over SSL connections?
-sslcookie: 0
-# extension to use for new pages
-default_pageext: mdwn
-# extension to use for html files
-htmlext: html
-# strftime format string to display date
-timeformat: '%c'
-# UTF-8 locale to use
-#locale: en_US.UTF-8
-# put user pages below specified page
-userdir: users
-# how many backlinks to show before hiding excess (0 to show all)
-numbacklinks: 10
-# attempt to hardlink source files? (optimisation for large files)
-hardlink: 1
-# force ikiwiki to use a particular umask
-#umask: 022
-# group for wrappers to run in
-#wrappergroup: ikiwiki
-# extra library and plugin directory
-libdir: /home/a-policy/.ikiwiki
-# environment variables
- TMPDIR: /home/a-policy/tmp
-# time zone name
-timezone: GMT
-# regexp of normally excluded files to include
-#include: '^\.htaccess$'
-# regexp of files that should be skipped
-#exclude: '^(*\.private|Makefile)$'
-# specifies the characters that are allowed in source filenames
-wiki_file_chars: '-[:alnum:]+/.:_'
-# allow symlinks in the path leading to the srcdir (potentially insecure)
-allow_symlinks_before_srcdir: 0
-# core plugins
-# (branchable, editpage, git, gitpush, htmlscrubber, ikiwikihosting,
-# inline, link, meta, parentlinks)
-# branchable plugin
-# Allow anyone to branch, check out, and copy this site?
-branchable: 1
-# Allow anyone to git push verified changes to this site?
-anonpush: 0
-# Display "Branchable" link on action bar?
-branchable_action: 1
-# git plugin
-# git hook to generate
-git_wrapper: /home/a-policy/source.git/hooks/post-update
-# shell command for git_wrapper to run, in the background
-#git_wrapper_background_command: git push github
-# mode for git_wrapper (can safely be made suid)
-git_wrappermode: 6755
-# git pre-receive hook to generate
-#git_test_receive_wrapper: /git/wiki.git/hooks/pre-receive
-# unix users whose commits should be checked by the pre-receive hook
- - ikiwiki-anon
-# gitweb url to show file history ([[file]] substituted)
-#historyurl: 'http://git.example.com/gitweb.cgi?p=wiki.git;a=history;f=[[file]];hb=HEAD'
-# gitweb url to show a diff ([[file]], [[sha1_to]], [[sha1_from]], [[sha1_commit]], and [[sha1_parent]] substituted)
-#diffurl: 'http://git.example.com/gitweb.cgi?p=wiki.git;a=blobdiff;f=[[file]];h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_commit]];hpb=[[sha1_parent]]'
-# where to pull and push changes (set to empty string to disable)
-gitorigin_branch: origin
-# branch that the wiki is stored in
-gitmaster_branch: master
-# gitpush plugin
-# git repository urls that changes are pushed to
-#git_push_to: []
-# htmlscrubber plugin
-# PageSpec specifying pages not to scrub
-#htmlscrubber_skip: '!*/Discussion'
-# ikiwikihosting plugin
-# list of urls that alias to the main url
-#urlalias: []
-# openid of primary site owner
-owner: https://id.koumbit.net/
-# optional hostname of site this one was branched from
-#parent: ''
-# internal hostname of this site
-hostname: policy.anarcat.ath.cx
-# site creation datestamp
-created: 1324138932
-# how many days to retain logs
-#log_period: 7
-# disable IPv6?
-ipv6_disabled: 0
-# inline plugin
-# enable rss feeds by default?
-rss: 1
-# enable atom feeds by default?
-atom: 1
-# allow rss feeds to be used?
-#allowrss: 0
-# allow atom feeds to be used?
-#allowatom: 0
-# urls to ping (using XML-RPC) on feed update
-pingurl: []
-# auth plugins
-# (anonok, blogspam, httpauth, lockedit, moderatedcomments,
-# opendiscussion, openid, passwordauth, signinedit)
-# anonok plugin
-# PageSpec to limit which pages anonymous users can edit
-#anonok_pagespec: '*/discussion'
-# blogspam plugin
-# PageSpec of pages to check for spam
-#blogspam_pagespec: postcomment(*)
-# options to send to blogspam server
-#blogspam_options: 'blacklist=,blacklist=,max-links=10'
-# blogspam server XML-RPC url
-#blogspam_server: ''
-# httpauth plugin
-# url to redirect to when authentication is needed
-#cgiauthurl: http://example.com/wiki/auth/ikiwiki.cgi
-# PageSpec of pages where only httpauth will be used for authentication
-#httpauth_pagespec: '!*/Discussion'
-# lockedit plugin
-# PageSpec controlling which pages are locked
-#locked_pages: '!*/Discussion'
-# moderatedcomments plugin
-# PageSpec matching users or comment locations to moderate
-#moderate_pagespec: '*'
-# openid plugin
-# url pattern of openid realm (default is cgiurl)
-openid_realm: http://*.orangeseeds.org/
-# url to ikiwiki cgi to use for openid authentication (default is cgiurl)
-openid_cgiurl: http://policy.anarcat.ath.cx/ikiwiki.cgi
-# passwordauth plugin
-# a password that must be entered when signing up for an account
-#account_creation_password: s3cr1t
-# cost of generating a password using Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt
-#password_cost: 8
-# format plugins
-# (creole, highlight, hnb, html, mdwn, otl, po, rawhtml, rst, textile,
-# txt)
-# highlight plugin
-# types of source files to syntax highlight
-#tohighlight: .c .h .cpp .pl .py Makefile:make
-# location of highlight's filetypes.conf
-filetypes_conf: /etc/highlight/filetypes.conf
-# location of highlight's langDefs directory
-langdefdir: /usr/share/highlight/langDefs/
-# mdwn plugin
-# enable multimarkdown features?
-multimarkdown: 1
-# po plugin
-# master language (non-PO files)
-#po_master_language: en|English
-# slave languages (translated via PO files) format: ll|Langname
-# - fr|Français
-# - es|Español
-# - de|Deutsch
-# PageSpec controlling which pages are translatable
-po_translatable_pages: ''
-# internal linking behavior (default/current/negotiated)
-po_link_to: default
-# misc plugins
-# (filecheck)
-# web plugins
-# (404, attachment, comments, editdiff, edittemplate, google, goto,
-# mirrorlist, repolist, search, theme, userlist, websetup, wmd)
-# attachment plugin
-# enhanced PageSpec specifying what attachments are allowed
-#allowed_attachments: virusfree() and mimetype(image/*) and maxsize(50kb)
-# virus checker program (reads STDIN, returns nonzero if virus found)
-#virus_checker: clamdscan -
-# comments plugin
-# PageSpec of pages where comments are allowed
-comments_pagespec: ''
-# PageSpec of pages where posting new comments is not allowed
-comments_closed_pagespec: ''
-# Base name for comments, e.g. "comment_" for pages like "sandbox/comment_12"
-comments_pagename: comment_
-# Interpret directives in comments?
-#comments_allowdirectives: 0
-# Allow anonymous commenters to set an author name?
-#comments_allowauthor: 0
-# commit comments to the VCS
-comments_commit: 1
-# mirrorlist plugin
-# list of mirrors
-#mirrorlist: {}
-# repolist plugin
-# URIs of repositories containing the wiki's source
- - ssh://a-policy@policy.anarcat.ath.cx/
- - git://policy.anarcat.ath.cx/
-# search plugin
-# path to the omega cgi program
-omega_cgi: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/omega/omega
-# theme plugin
-# name of theme to enable
-theme: pcp
-# websetup plugin
-# list of plugins that cannot be enabled/disabled via the web interface
- - httpauth
- - openid
- - mdwn
- - wmd
- - aggregate
-# list of additional setup field keys to treat as unsafe
- - url
- - cgiurl
- - verbose
- - syslog
- - usedirs
- - prefix_directives
- - indexpages
- - repositories
-# show unsafe settings, read-only, in web interface?
-websetup_show_unsafe: 0
-# widget plugins
-# (calendar, color, conditional, cutpaste, date, format, fortune,
-# graphviz, haiku, headinganchors, img, linkmap, listdirectives, map,
-# more, orphans, pagecount, pagestats, poll, polygen, postsparkline,
-# progress, shortcut, sparkline, table, template, teximg, toc, toggle,
-# version)
-# calendar plugin
-# base of the archives hierarchy
-#archivebase: archives
-# PageSpec of pages to include in the archives; used by ikiwiki-calendar command
-#archive_pagespec: page(posts/*) and !*/Discussion
-# listdirectives plugin
-# directory in srcdir that contains directive descriptions
-directive_description_dir: ikiwiki/directive
-# teximg plugin
-# Should teximg use dvipng to render, or dvips and convert?
-#teximg_dvipng: ''
-# LaTeX prefix for teximg plugin
-#teximg_prefix: |
-# \documentclass{article}
-# \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-# \usepackage{amsmath}
-# \usepackage{amsfonts}
-# \usepackage{amssymb}
-# \pagestyle{empty}
-# \begin{document}
-# LaTeX postfix for teximg plugin
-#teximg_postfix: '\end{document}'
-# other plugins
-# (aggregate, autoindex, brokenlinks, camelcase, ddate, embed, favicon,
-# flattr, goodstuff, htmlbalance, localstyle, missingsite, pagetemplate,
-# parked, pingee, pinger, prettydate, recentchanges, recentchangesdiff,
-# relativedate, rsync, sidebar, smiley, sortnaturally, tag,
-# testpagespec, transient, typography, underlay)
-# aggregate plugin
-# enable aggregation to internal pages?
-aggregateinternal: 1
-# allow aggregation to be triggered via the web?
-#aggregate_webtrigger: 0
-# cookie control
- file: /home/a-policy/.ikiwiki/cookies
-# autoindex plugin
-# commit autocreated index pages
-autoindex_commit: 1
-# camelcase plugin
-# list of words to not turn into links
-#camelcase_ignore: []
-# flattr plugin
-# userid or user name to use by default for Flattr buttons
-#flattr_userid: joeyh
-# parked plugin
-# An optional message explaining why this site is parked.
-#parked_message: ''
-# pinger plugin
-# how many seconds to try pinging before timing out
-#pinger_timeout: 15
-# prettydate plugin
-# format to use to display date
-prettydateformat: '%X, %B %o, %Y'
-# recentchanges plugin
-# name of the recentchanges page
-recentchangespage: recentchanges
-# number of changes to track
-recentchangesnum: 100
-# rsync plugin
-# command to run to sync updated pages
-#rsync_command: rsync -qa --delete . user@host:/path/to/docroot/
-# sidebar plugin
-# show sidebar page on all pages?
-global_sidebars: 1
-# tag plugin
-# parent page tags are located under
-#tagbase: tag
-# autocreate new tag pages?
-#tag_autocreate: 1
-# commit autocreated tag pages
-tag_autocreate_commit: 1
-# typography plugin
-# Text::Typography attributes value
-#typographyattributes: 3
-# underlay plugin
-# extra underlay directories to add
-# - /home/a-policy/wiki.underlay
+use IkiWiki::Setup::Standard {
+ wikiname => "Providers' Commitment for Privacy (PCP)",
+ adminuser => ["policy", ],
+ adminemail => 'pcp@nothingtohide.is',
+ # Be sure to customise these..
+ srcdir => ".",
+ destdir => "www",
+ url => "https://policy.sarava.org",
+ cgiurl => "https://policy.sarava.org/ikiwiki.cgi",
+ #templatedir => "/usr/share/ikiwiki/templates",
+ #underlaydir => "/usr/share/ikiwiki/basewiki",
+ # Subversion stuff.
+ #rcs => "svn",
+ #historyurl => "http://svn.sarava.org/trunk/[[file]]",
+ #diffurl => "http://svn.sarava.org/trunk/[[file]]?root=wiki&amp;r1=[[r1]]&amp;r2=[[r2]]",
+ #svnrepo => "/svn/wiki",
+ #svnpath => "trunk",
+ # Git stuff.
+ rcs => "git",
+ historyurl => "https://git.sarava.org/?p=policy.git;a=history;f=[[file]]",
+ diffurl => "https://git.sarava.org/?p=policy.git;a=blobdiff;h=[[sha1_to]];hp=[[sha1_from]];hb=[[sha1_parent]];f=[[file]]",
+ #gitorigin_branch => "origin",
+ #gitmaster_branch => "master",
+ # See https://ikiwiki.info/tips/laptop_wiki_with_git/
+ gitorigin_branch => '',
+ # Tla stuff.
+ #rcs => "tla"
+ #historyurl => ??,
+ #diffurl => ??,
+ # Mercurial stuff.
+ #rcs => "mercurial",
+ #historyurl => "http://localhost:8000/log/tip/[[file]]", # hg serve'd local repository
+ #diffurl => "http://localhost:8000/?fd=[[r2]];file=[[file]]",
+ # Bazaar stuff.
+ #rcs => "bzr",
+ #historyurl => "",
+ #diffurl => "http://example.com/revision?start_revid=[[r2]]#[[file]]-s", # using loggerhead
+ # Monotone stuff
+ #rcs => "monotone",
+ #mtnkey => "web\@machine.company.com",
+ #historyurl => "http://viewmtn.example.com/branch/head/filechanges/com.example.branch/[[file]]",
+ #diffurl => "http://viewmtn.example.com/revision/diff/[[r1]]/with/[[r2]]/[[file]]",
+ # Set if you want the wiki to sync on update and commit.
+ #mtnsync => 0,
+ # The path to your workspace (defaults to the srcdir itself)
+ # e.g. use if your srcdir is a subdirectory of the workspace.
+ #mtnrootdir => "path/to/root/of/workspace",
+ wrappers => [
+ #{
+ # # The cgi wrapper.
+ # cgi => 0,
+ # wrapper => "/var/sites/rhatto/ikiwiki/ikiwiki.cgi",
+ # wrappermode => "06550",
+ # wrappergroup => "www-data",
+ #},
+ #{
+ # # The svn post-commit wrapper.
+ # # Note that this will overwrite any existing
+ # # post-commit hook script, which may not be
+ # # what you want.
+ # wrapper => "/svn/wikirepo/hooks/post-commit",
+ # wrappermode => "04755",
+ # # Log to syslog since svn post-commit hooks
+ # # hide output and errors.
+ # syslog => 1,
+ #},
+ #{
+ # # The git post-update wrapper.
+ # # Note that this will overwrite any existing
+ # # post-update hook script, which may not be
+ # # what you want.
+ # wrapper => "/var/git/repositories/rhatto.git/hooks/post-update",
+ # wrappermode => "06550",
+ # wrappergroup => "git",
+ #},
+ #{
+ # # The monotone netsync hook.
+ # wrapper => "path/to/root/of/workspace/_MTN/ikiwiki-netsync-hook",
+ # wrappermode => "06755",
+ #},
+ ],
+ # Default to generating rss feeds for pages with feeds?
+ rss => 1,
+ # Default to generating atom feeds for pages with feeds?
+ #atom => 1,
+ # Allow generating feeds even if not generated by default?
+ #allowrss => 1,
+ #allowatom => 1,
+ # Urls to ping with XML-RPC when feeds are updated
+ #pingurl => [qw{http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping}],
+ # Include discussion links on all pages?
+ discussion => 0,
+ # To exclude files matching a regexp from processing. This adds to
+ # the default exclude list.
+ #exclude => qr/\.wav$/,
+ exclude => qr/www/,
+ # To change the extension used for generated html files.
+ #htmlext => 'htm',
+ # Time format (for strftime)
+ #timeformat => '%c',
+ # Locale to use. Must be a UTF-8 locale.
+ #locale => 'en_US.UTF-8',
+ # Only send cookies over SSL connections.
+ #sslcookie => 1,
+ # Logging settings:
+ #verbose => 1,
+ syslog => 0,
+ # To link to user pages in a subdirectory of the wiki.
+ #userdir => "users",
+ # To create output files named page.html rather than page/index.html.
+ #usedirs => 0,
+ # Simple spam prevention: require an account-creation password.
+ #account_creation_password => "guesswhat",
+ # Cost of generating a password using Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt
+ #password_cost => 8,
+ # Uncomment to force ikiwiki to run with a particular umask.
+ umask => 002,
+ # Default settings for the recentchanges page.
+ #recentchangespage => "recentchanges",
+ #recentchangesnum => 100,
+ # Use new '!'-prefixed preprocessor directive syntax
+ #prefix_directives => 0,
+ # Attempt to make hardlinks to source files instead of copying them.
+ # Useful if the wiki contains large media files.
+ #hardlink => 1,
+ # Enable use of multimarkdown features in .mdwn files.
+ #multimarkdown => 1,
+ # To add plugins, list them here.
+ #add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff search wikitext camelcase
+ # htmltidy fortune sidebar map rst anonok}],
+ add_plugins => [qw{goodstuff sidebar}],
+ # If you want to disable any of the default plugins, list them here.
+ #disable_plugins => [qw{inline htmlscrubber passwordauth openid}],
+ disable_plugins => [qw{openid editpage}],
+ # To add a directory to the perl search path, use this.
+ #libdir => "/home/me/.ikiwiki/",
+ # To override environment variable settings, you can list values here.
+ #ENV => {
+ # TZ => "America/New_York",
+ # PATH => "/home/me/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin",
+ #},
+ # For use with the tag plugin, make all tags be located under a
+ # base page.
+ #tagbase => "tag",
+ # For use with the search plugin if the omega cgi is located
+ # somewhere else.
+ #omega_cgi => "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/omega/omega",
+ # For use with the openid plugin, to give an url to a page users
+ # can use to signup for an OpenID.
+ #openidsignup => "http://myopenid.com/",
+ # For use with the mirrorlist plugin, a list of mirrors.
+ #mirrorlist => {
+ # mirror1 => "http://hostname1",
+ # mirror2 => "http://hostname2/mirror",
+ #},
+ # For use with the anonok plugin, a PageSpec specifying what
+ # pages anonymous users can edit
+ #anonok_pagespec => "*",
+ # For use with the aggregate plugin, to allow aggregation to be
+ # triggered via the web.
+ #aggregate_webtrigger => 1,
+ # For use with the pinger plugin, how many seconds to wait before
+ # timing out.
+ #pinger_timeout => 15.
+ # For use with the amazon S3 plugin, your public access key id.
+ #amazon_s3_key_id => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
+ # And a file holding your secret key. This file *must* not be
+ # readable by others!
+ #amazon_s3_key_file => "/home/me/.hide/.s3_key
+ # The globally unique name of the bucket to use to store the wiki.
+ #amazon_s3_bucket => "mywiki",
+ # A prefix to prepend to each page name.
+ #amazon_s3_prefix => "wiki/",
+ # Uncomment to use the S3 European datacenter.
+ #amazon_s3_location => "EU",
+ # Uncomment if you need to store each index file twice.
+ #amazon_s3_dupindex => 1,
+ # For use with the attachment plugin, a program that returns
+ # nonzero if its standard input contains an virus.
+ #virus_checker => "clamdscan -",
+ # See https://ikiwiki.info/plugins/po/
+ #po_master_language => 'en|English',
+ #po_slave_languages => [ 'pt|Portuguese' ],
+ # See http://ikiwiki.info/plugins/rsync/
+ #rsync_command => 'rsync -qa --delete . user@host:/path/to/docroot/',