header("Photos"); require("inc/header.inc.php"); // folder > tree echo "
\n\n"; /* - nacti adresare - setrid podle casu - pro kazdy rok - setrid podle mesice - vypis */ # TODO: Make date file support date of the month # And add info to README about date files while ($file = $adr->Read()) { // checking for inc is only really needed when gallery_dir == $root // hopefully not many galleries will be named inc ;) if (is_dir("$gallery_dir/$file") && !ereg("\.", $file) && $file!="inc") { // Use date file for gallery date if avaliable $datefile = "$root/$gallery_dir/$file/date.txt"; if (file_exists($datefile)) { $date_array = file($datefile); $year=trim($date_array[2]); $month=trim($date_array[1]); $galerieyear["$file"]=$year; $galeriemonth["$file"]=$month; } else { // Get Dates from modification times $mtime = filemtime("$gallery_dir/$file"); $galerieyear["$file"] = date("Y", $mtime); $galeriemonth["$file"] = date("F", $mtime); } } } // re-sort array in order of months - so that they will be printed in order $months = array("December", "November", "October", "September", "August", "July", "June", "May", "April", "March", "February", "January"); for ($i = 2010; $i >= 1990; $i--) { foreach ($months as $thismonth) { foreach ($galeriemonth as $foldername => $month) { if (strcasecmp($month, $thismonth) == 0) { if ($galerieyear["$foldername"] == $i) { $galerieyearordered["$foldername"]=$galerieyear["$foldername"]; $galeriemonthordered["$foldername"]=$galeriemonth["$foldername"]; } } } } } foreach ($galerieyearordered as $file => $mtime) { $year=$galerieyearordered["$file"]; $month=$galeriemonthordered["$file"]; if ($thisyear!=$year) { #if the year is not equal to the current year #This is the first year if ($thisyear) { echo " \n\n";}// end last year if this is // not the first one #This is a new year unset($thismonth); echo "\n";
$path = "$gallery_dir/$galerie/thumbs";
$obrazky = new SortDir($path);
check($galerie); // check for nasty input
while ($file = $obrazky->read()) {
if (is_file("$path/$file") && eregi("^img-([0-9]+)\.(png|jpg)", $file, $x)) {
$thumb = "$gallery_dir/$galerie/thumbs/img-${x[1]}.${x[2]}";
$velikost = getimagesize("$root/$thumb");
echo " ";
echo "90) {
echo $velikost[3];
} else {
echo "width=\"";
$scaled = round($velikost[0] / 1.5);
echo $scaled;
echo "\" height=\"${velikost[0]}\"";
echo " src=\"$thumb\" ";
echo "alt=\"photo No. ${x[1]}\" />";
echo "\n";
echo "
\n"; if (file_exists("$gallery_dir/$galerie/zip/mq.zip")) { echo "[ zipped MQ images ] "; } if (file_exists("$gallery_dir/$galerie/zip/mq.tar.bz2")) { echo "[ MQ images tarball ] "; } if (file_exists("$gallery_dir/$galerie/zip/hq.zip")) { echo "[ zipped HQ images ]"; } if (file_exists("$gallery_dir/$galerie/zip/hq.tar.bz2")) { echo "[ HQ images tarball ]"; } echo "
"; ################################# # Individual Image # ################################# } else { //low-res image # finish off header echo "\n > $galerie\n > Photo"; echo " $snimek"; $path = "$gallery_dir/$galerie/thumbs"; $obrazky = new SortDir("$path"); check($galerie); $path = "$gallery_dir/$galerie/lq"; $file = "$path/img-$snimek.jpg"; if (!file_exists($file)) { echo "No such image"; $page->footer(); exit; } $velikost = getimagesize("$root/$file"); /* navigation($galerie, $snimek, null); */ // mini thumbnail roll if ($show_thumbs) { echo "\n\n