bgcolor = $bgcolor; $this->link = $link; $this->vlink = $vlink; $this->alink = $alink; $this->hover = $hover; $this->font = $font; $this->fontsize = $fontsize; $this->textcol = $textcol; } //// // !vykpise HTML hlavicku dokumentu // Ten CSS style jeste neni moc dodelanej function header($title) { global $gallery_dir,$root, $snimek, $galerie, $ThisScript, $themes; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo " $title\n"; # mozilla style links if ($snimek && $galerie) { #Top echo " \n"; #First #Prev $predchozi = $snimek - 1; $dalsi = $snimek + 1; if ($snimek > 1) { echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } #Next if (is_file("$gallery_dir/$galerie/lq/img-$dalsi.jpg")) { echo " \n"; } #Last $adr = opendir("$gallery_dir/$galerie/thumbs/"); $i = -2; while ($file = readdir($adr)) { $i++; } if ($i!=$snimek) { echo " \n"; } } /* check the theme in a cookie */ $theme = $_COOKIE["theme"]; if (!$theme) { //we didn't set the cookie yet if (browserCheck()=="ie6+" || browserCheck()=="ie4+") { $theme = "ie"; //IE crashes on other themes } else { $theme = "default"; } } foreach ($themes as $skin => $url) { echo "\n"; } require(""); echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; } //// // !zavre html stranku function footer() { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } //// // !vypise chybovou hlasku // $title - nadpis a title HTML stranky // $message - vlastni chybova hlaska function error($title, $message) { $this->header($title); echo "


\n"; echo $message; $this->footer(); exit; //vysere se na vsechno } //// // !zacatek fomrulare function form_start($action, $method, $upload) { echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; } //// // !konec formulare function form_end() { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } //// // !vykresli polozku formulare // umi text, password, submit, file, hidden, textarea, select // u textarea je default pocet radku... function input($type, $name, $value, $popis, $default) { if ($type!="hidden") { echo "\n"; echo "$popis\n"; echo ""; } switch ($type) { case "checkbox": echo ""; break; case "password": case "text": echo ""; break; case "file": echo ""; break; case "hidden": echo "\n"; break; case "textarea": echo ""; break; case "select": echo ""; break; case "submit": echo ""; break; } if ($type!="hidden") { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } } } # return dirs sorted class SortDir { var $items; function SortDir($directory) { $handle=opendir($directory); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $this->items[]=$file; } } closedir($handle); natsort($this->items); } function Read() { $getback= (pos($this->items)); next($this->items); return $getback; } } ?>