\n"; /* echo "\n"; */ echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; #IE hacks echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo " $title\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; # mozilla style links if ($snimek && $galerie) { #Top echo " \n"; #First #Prev $predchozi = $snimek - 1; $dalsi = $snimek + 1; if ($snimek > 1) { echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } #Next if (is_file("$gallery_dir/$galerie/lq/img-$dalsi.jpg")) { echo " \n"; } #Last $adr = opendir("$gallery_dir/$galerie/thumbs/"); $i = -2; while ($file = readdir($adr)) { $i++; } if ($i!=$snimek) { echo " \n"; } } /* check the theme in a cookie */ $theme = @$_COOKIE["theme"]; if (!$theme) { //we didn't set the cookie yet // select first key of the themes array in config.inc.php as default $theme_keys = array_keys($themes); $theme = $theme_keys[0]; } foreach ($themes as $skin => $url) { echo "\n"; } //require("javascript.inc.php"); echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; } //// // !zavre html stranku function footer() { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } //// // !vypise chybovou hlasku // $title - nadpis a title HTML stranky // $message - vlastni chybova hlaska function error($title, $message) { $this->header($title); echo "


\n"; echo $message; $this->footer(); exit; //vysere se na vsechno } //// // !zacatek fomrulare function form_start($action, $method, $upload) { echo "
\n"; } //// // !konec formulare function form_end() { echo "
\n"; } //// // !vykresli polozku formulare // umi text, password, submit, file, hidden, textarea, select // u textarea je default pocet radku... function input($type, $name, $value, $popis, $default, $title) { echo "
\n"; if (!$title) { echo "
\n"; } else { echo "
\n"; } echo "
"; switch ($type) { case "checkbox": echo ""; break; case "password": case "text": echo ""; break; case "file": echo ""; break; case "hidden": echo ""; break; case "textarea": echo ""; break; case "select": echo ""; break; case "submit": echo ""; break; } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } function navigation ($gallery, $snapshot, $image) { global $gallery_dir, $root, $ThisScript, $textnav, $img, $show_thumbs, $exif_style, $PNthumbScale; $next = $snapshot + 1; $prev = $snapshot - 1; if (!$image) { // this will render a navigation bar - max 3 buttons echo "\n
\n"; echo "
\n"; if ($snapshot > 1) { //previous echo ""; echo "< Previous\n"; } echo " "; if (is_file("$gallery_dir/$gallery/lq/img-$next.jpg")) { //next echo ""; echo "Next >\n"; } echo "
\n"; } elseif ($image=="prev") { //previous thumbnail if ($snapshot > 1) { //previous echo "
"; echo ""; if (file_exists("$gallery_dir/$gallery/thumbs/img-$prev.png")) { $Pthumb = "$gallery_dir/$gallery/thumbs/img-$prev.png"; } else { $Pthumb = "$gallery_dir/$gallery/thumbs/img-$prev.jpg"; } $v = getimagesize("$root/$Pthumb"); echo "\"Previous\""; echo "
" . __('Previous'); echo "
\n"; } } else { //next thumbnail if (is_file("$gallery_dir/$gallery/lq/img-$next.jpg")) { echo "
"; echo ""; if (file_exists("$gallery_dir/$gallery/thumbs/img-$next.png")) { $Nthumb = "$gallery_dir/$gallery/thumbs/img-$next.png"; } else { $Nthumb = "$gallery_dir/$gallery/thumbs/img-$next.jpg"; } $v = getimagesize("$root/$Nthumb"); echo "\"Next\""; //echo "
Next"; echo "
" . __('Next') ; echo "
\n"; } } } function user_comments($photo) { global $root, $gallery_dir, $galerie, $comments, $picture; if ($comments) { if (is_writable("$root/$gallery_dir/$galerie/comments")) { // needs perms require("inc/comment_form.inc.php"); if ($picture->comments) { print "
"; print $picture->comments; print "
"; } } else { print "\n"; } } } function process_comment_form() { // processing of the user comment data global $comments, $root, $gallery_dir, $galerie, $snimek; if($comments && @$_POST["commentdata"]) { $username = @$_COOKIE["username"]; $comment_name = @$_POST["commentname"]; $save_comment_name = @$_POST["savecommentname"]; $comment_data = @$_POST["commentdata"]; $comment_kolacek = @$_POST["commentkolacek"]; $comment_spamcheck = @$_POST["commentspamcheck"]; #check for HTML tags $comment_name = stripslashes(strip_tags($comment_name)); $allowedTags = '