#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Web Gallery script for Nautilus - Depends on "original" web backend # # for displaying the gallery. # # # # Written in perl because I suck more with sh scripting. # # Also needs gnome-utils for gdialog. # # # # Hacked together by Tuomas Kuosmanen # # Tweaked to use NetPBM by Jakub Steiner # # Released under the GPL license. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # die "No files to convert" unless @ARGV; use Gtk; init Gtk; @files = sort(@ARGV); my $dir = "web-gallery"; sub make_dirs { unless (-d "$dir") { mkdir("./$dir") or die "Aargh.\n"; } unless (-d "$dir/thumbs") { mkdir("./$dir/thumbs") or die "Aargh.\n"; } unless (-d "$dir/lq") { mkdir("./$dir/lq") or die "Aargh.\n"; } unless (-d "$dir/mq") { mkdir("./$dir/mq") or die "Aargh.\n"; } unless (-d "$dir/hq") { mkdir("./$dir/hq") or die "Aargh.\n"; } unless (-d "$dir/comments") { mkdir("./$dir/comments") or die "Aargh.\n"; } } sub make_gallery_fake { my $foo = shift; print ("PARAM: $foo\n"); sleep 1; } $w = new Gtk::Window; $label = new Gtk::Label(' Web Gallery generation in progress... '); $pbar = new Gtk::ProgressBar; $vb = new Gtk::VBox(0, 0); $b = new Gtk::Button('Cancel'); $w->add($vb); $vb->add($label); $vb->add($pbar); $vb->add($b); $b->signal_connect('clicked', sub {Gtk->exit(0)}); $w->signal_connect('destroy', sub {Gtk->exit(0)}); $w->show_all(); $i = 0; $pbar->update($i); @files = sort(@ARGV); $num_of_files = scalar @files; $increment = 1 / ( 5 * $num_of_files ); $i = 1; $progress = 0; make_dirs(); #read nautilus metafile if available open(METAXML, "./.nautilus-metafile.xml") or print("no metafile"); @meta_xml = ; close(METAXML); foreach $file (@files) { $pbar->update($progress); $pbar->set_show_text(1); $pbar->set_format_string("$i of $num_of_files"); $progress += $increment; while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } # do the stuff, collect error messages to a variable. #$reply=`convert -geometry 120x120 -colors 64 -dither $file $dir/thumbs/img-$i\.png 2>&1`; $reply=`convert -geometry 120x120 $file $dir/thumbs/img-$i\.jpg 2>&1`; #$reply =`jpegtopnm $file | pnmscale -xysize 120 120 | ppmquant -floyd 16 | pnmtopng -interlace -compression 9 > $dir/thumbs/img-$i\.png 2>&1`; $pbar->update($progress); $progress += $increment; while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } $reply = $reply . `convert -geometry 640x640 $file $dir/lq/img-$i.jpg 2>&1`; #$reply = $reply . `jpegtopnm $file | pnmscale -xysize 640 640 | ppmtojpeg --quality 80 --progressive > $dir/lq/img-$i.jpg 2>&1`; $pbar->update($progress); $progress += $increment; while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } $reply = $reply . `convert -geometry 800x800 $file $dir/mq/img-$i.jpg 2>&1`; #$reply = $reply . `jpegtopnm $file | pnmscale -xysize 800 800 | ppmtojpeg --quality 80 --progressive > $dir/mq/img-$i.jpg 2>&1`; $pbar->update($progress); $progress += $increment; while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } $reply = $reply . `cp $file $dir/hq/img-$i.jpg 2>&1`; $pbar->update($progress); $progress += $increment; while (Gtk->events_pending) { Gtk->main_iteration; } # comment open (COMM, ">$dir/comments/$i\.txt"); print(COMM "image $i: \n"); #check for comments in the metafile #maybe using a proper XML parser would make sense in future foreach $radek (@meta_xml) { chomp($radek); if ($radek =~ m/.*name="([^"]*)".*annotation="([^"]*).*"/) { if ($1 eq $file) { print(COMM "$2\n"); } } } close(COMM); $i++; # print possible error messages if ($reply ne "") { print("There was an error message: $reply\n"); } }