The web backend requires to have a PHP scripting engine running on
your web server. 

There are two scripts doing the scaling work. convert/imgconv is a plain
bash script using Imagemagick to generate thumbnails and scaling images.
You can get Imagemagick at


* netpbm
   You can use netpbm tools instead of ImageMagick for better speed. You can
   grab netpbm at but ususally your
   distro ships with it already. My YDL distro has all the toos in netpbm-progs


   Tuomas Kuosmannen created a nautilus script that operates on selection
   of images. It's way cooler than the bash script. Because the operation
   can take a while, it has a nifty progressbar. The script itself is in
   Perl, so you obviously need a functiuoning installation of Perl. For the
   progressbar to work, you need gtk-perl bindings. You can get them at Nautilus is a GUI file manager that rocks for photo
   management. you can grab it at


   I hacked up Tuomas' script to use only gnome's zenity for the progress bars,
   so there's no more gtk-perl dependency. Also this script uses Larry Ewing's
   cool gdk-pixbuf scaler. It is an alternative to ImageMagick's convert
   (sharing the basic commandline parameters) that discards EXIF information
   (yet), but is 5 to 8 times as fast. You can really tell on large galleries.
   You can find both at the convert/ directory. Instructions how to compile
   gdk-pixbuf-convert.c are included in the file header.

If you wan't to have advanced EXIF information for your photos, make sure you
use a recent ImageMagick so that convert doesn't throw away this info when
scaling down. You also need EXIF support in your PHP.