################################################################# ## Generic template for Mkbuild ## ## Version 0.9.0 - Alves ( rudsonalves at yahoo d0t com d0t br ) ################################################################# #-------------------- # Personal variables #-------------------- # Author name [[SLACKBUILD AUTHOR]]="Rudson R. Alves" # Initials author name [[SLACKBUILD AUTHOR INITIALS]]="rra" #------------------------ # Construction Variables #------------------------ # # Complete URL address or URL base address ( without $SRC_NAME-$VERSION... ) [[DOWNLOAD FOLDER URL]]="http://fjolliton.free.fr/babytrans/babytrans-0.9.1.tar.bz2" # Source base name. if different from package name. Null ("") to default value. # Auto-set, get SRC_NAME from URL: http://.../$SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION' [[SOURCE NAME]]="" # Package name. Null ("") to auto-set # Auto-set, get PKG_NAME from URL downcase(SRC_NAME): http://.../$SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION' [[PACKAGE NAME]]="" # # Package default ARCH # Default set is i486 [[ARCH]]="" # # Package version. Null ("") to auto-set. # Auto-set, get VERSION from URL: http://.../$SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION' [[VERSION]]="" # # Package extension. Null ("") to auto-set # Auto-set, get EXTENSION from URL: http://.../$SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION' [[EXTENSION]]="" # # Build number. # Auto-set to default 1 [[BUILD NUMBER]]="" # # Source Name construction string # Default value is: $SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION [[SOURCE NAME CONSTRUCTION STRING]]="$SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION" # # Unpacker programa ("") to auto-set. Default "tar" # Unpacke Flags ("") to auto-set. Default flags to tar "--no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xvf" [[UNPACKER]]="" [[UNPACKER FLAGS]]="" # # Dependency list input # Enter string: "dependency_1 [condiction_1] [versio_1]: dependency_2 [condiction_2] [versio_2]" # Example: [[SLACK REQUIRED]]="gtk+" # # Decompress program # gz, tgz, bz2, set null ("") to auto-set # Auto-set, get DECOMPRESSOR from URL EXTENSION: http://.../$SRC_NAME-$VERSION.tar.$EXTENSION' [[DECOMPRESSOR]]="" # # Decompress check flag # gz, tgz, bz2, set null ("") to auto-set [[DECOMPRESSOR TEST FLAG]]="" # # Documentation files. Null ("") to auto-set commom doc-files: # NEWS TODO README AUTHORS INSTALL ChangeLog MAINTAINERS COPYING readme.* [[DOCUMENTATION FILES]]="ABOUT-NLS AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS README README.french README.german README.gnome README.italian README.portuguese README.spanish THANKS" # # ./configure options [[OTHER CONFIGURE ARGS]]="--sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --program-prefix= --program-suffix=" # # PREFIX. Default /usr [[PREFIX]]="/usr" # # Number of jobs [[NUMBER OF JOBS]]="-j4" #--------------------- # Others changes #--------------------- #[[MD5SUM CODE]]="" #[[MD5SUM EXTENSION]]="" #[[SIGNING KEY]]="" #[[SIGNING KEY URL]]="" [[PATCH FILES]]="" [[NUMBER OF PREFIX SLASHES TO STRIP]]="1" # SlackBuild model [[SLACKBUILD MODEL]]="generic.mkSlackBuild" # SlackBuild PATH in Slack.Sarava tree #[[SLACKBUILD PATH]]="others/unclassified/$PKG_NAME" [[SLACKBUILD PATH]]="app/dicts/babytrans" #--------------------- # SlackBuild Sections #--------------------- # Default sections: # head, set_variables, slkflags, start_structure, untar_source, # make_package, install_package, build_package # Warning: don't remove '#>>' and "#<<" tags. #>> Start SlackBuild Sections: on: head on: slackbuildrc on: set_variables on: slkflags on: error_codes on: start_structure on: download_source off: md5sum_download_and_check_0 off: md5sum_download_and_check_1 off: gpg_signature_check on: untar_source off: patch_source on: configure on: make_package on: install_package on: strip_binaries off: compress_manpages off: compress_info_files on: install_documentation on: slackdesc off: postinstall_script on: slack_required on: build_package on: clean_builds #<< End SlackBuild Sections #------------------ # Sections changes #------------------ #>slackdesc babytrans: babytrans by Slack.Sarava babytrans: babytrans: BabyTrans is a graphical interface for the Babylon Translator babytrans: dictionaries (available under Windows). (More information: babytrans: <http://www.babylon.com>) babytrans: Copy the dictionary files from Babylon Translator either in the babytrans: /usr/share/babytrans directory or in another directory that you babytrans: indicate in the configuration. babytrans: The files to copy are: babytrans: - english.dic (common for all languages) babytrans: - Engto***.dic (with *** depending on the language) #<slackdesc #p> URL="[[DOWNLOAD FOLDER URL]]/$SRC" +DIC_URL=ftp://ftp.ac-grenoble.fr/ge/languages/babylon_dict === wget "$URL" -O "$SRC_DIR/$SRC" || exit $ERROR_WGET fi + +# Get dictionaries +DIC_LIST="EngtoDut.dic.gz EngtoEng.dic.gz EngtoFre.dic.gz + EngtoGer.dic.gz EngtoHeb.dic.gz EngtoIta.dic.gz EngtoJpn.dic.gz + EngtoPor.dic.gz EngtoSpa.dic.gz english.dic.gz english2.dic.gz" + +for i in $DIC_LIST; do + [ ! -e $SRC_DIR/$i ] && wget $DIC_URL/$i -P $SRC_DIR/ +done + +[ ! -e $SRC_DIR/dictionary ] && wget $DIC_URL/dictionary -P $SRC_DIR/ === <make_package> off +# Add assert.h include +sed -i '/^#include "fred_sstream"/ { p; s/.*/#include <assert.h>/; }' src/main.cc === make install DESTDIR="$PKG" || exit $ERROR_INSTALL + +mkdir -p $PKG/usr/local/lib/babytrans +mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/babytrans +mkdir -p $PKG/usr/share/applications +rm -rf $PKG/usr/share/applets + +cp $SRC_DIR/*.dic.gz $PKG/usr/local/lib/babytrans/ +cp $SRC_DIR/dictionary $PKG/usr/share/babytrans/ + +gunzip $PKG/usr/local/lib/babytrans/*.gz + +cat << KDE_DESK > $PKG/usr/share/applications/babytrans.desktop +[Desktop Entry] +Comment=An interface for babylon translator +Categories=Education;Languages; +Exec=babytrans --activate-goad-server babytrans +GenericName=Babytrans +Icon=kbabel +Name=Babytrans +StartupNotify=true +Terminal=False +Type=Application +X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false +KDE_DESK #p<