/** * Links plugin. */ "use strict"; XML.ignoreWhitespace = false; XML.prettyPrinting = false; /* use strict */ var INFO = ["plugin", { name: "links", version: "0.1", href: "http://dactyl.sf.net/pentadactyl/plugins#links-plugin", summary: "Scuttle published", xmlns: "dactyl" }, ["author", { email: "rhatto@riseup.net" }, "Silvio Rhatto"], ["license", { href: "http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php" }, "MIT"], ["project", { name: "Pentadactyl", "min-version": "1.0" }], ["p", {}, "This plugin provides a shortcut command to publish a link to a Scuttle site."], ["item", {}, ["tags", {}, ":link"], ["strut"], ["spec", {}, ":link"], ["description", {}, ["p", {}, "Add the current page into the Scuttle site." ]]]]; group.commands.add(["link"], "Add link to scuttle", function (args) { var instance = 'https://links.sarava.org/bookmarks?action=add&address='; var doc = content.document; var href = encodeURIComponent(doc.location.href); var title = encodeURIComponent(doc.title); var desc = encodeURIComponent(doc.getSelection()); var tags = encodeURIComponent(args.toString().replace(/,,/g, ',')); commands.execute('tabopen ' + instance + href + '&title=' + title + '&description=' + desc + '&tags=' + tags); }, { argCount: "*" }, true);