	* Tidypics images edit/add form
	*  This form is used to:
	*	- create albums
	*	- edit albums
	*	- edit images

	//set stuff if we are editing existing album or image
	if (isset($vars['entity'])) {
		$action = "tidypics/edit";
		$title = $vars['entity']->title;
		$body = $vars['entity']->description;
		$tags = $vars['entity']->tags;
		$access_id = $vars['entity']->access_id;
		$subtype = $vars['subtype'];

	// if nothing is sent, create new, but only new albums are sent here
	// new images are sent to upload.php
	} else  {
		$action = "tidypics/addalbum";
		$tags = "";
		$title = "";
		$body = "";
		if (defined('ACCESS_DEFAULT'))
			$access_id = ACCESS_DEFAULT;
			$access_id = 1; // logged_in by default
		$subtype = 'album';
		$title = $_SESSION['tidypicstitle'];
		$body = $_SESSION['tidypicsbody'];
		$tags = $_SESSION['tidypicstags'];


	// group or individual 
	$container_guid = page_owner();

<div class="contentWrapper">
	<form action="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>action/<?php echo $action; ?>" method="post">
			<label><?php echo elgg_echo('album:title'); ?></label>
			<?php  echo elgg_view("input/text", array("internalname" => "tidypicstitle", "value" => $title,));  ?>
		if ($subtype == 'album') {
			<label><?php echo elgg_echo('album:desc'); ?></label>
			<?php  echo elgg_view("input/longtext",array("internalname" => "tidypicsbody","value" => $body,)); ?>
		} else {
			<label><?php echo elgg_echo('caption'); ?></label>
			<?php  echo elgg_view("input/longtext",array("internalname" => "tidypicsbody","value" => $body,"class" => 'tidypics_caption_input')); ?>
			<label><?php echo elgg_echo("tags"); ?></label>
			<?php  echo elgg_view("input/tags", array( "internalname" => "tidypicstags","value" => $tags,));  ?>

		if ($subtype == 'image') {
			$container_guid = $vars['entity']->container_guid;
			// should this image be the cover for the album - only ask for non-cover photos
			// determine if it is already the cover
			$img_guid = $vars['entity']->guid;
			$album = get_entity($container_guid);
			$cover_guid = $album->cover;
			if ($cover_guid != $img_guid) { 
<?php			echo elgg_view('input/checkboxes', array('internalname' => "cover", 
													'options' => array(elgg_echo("album:cover")),
		} else {
			// album so display access control
				<label><?php echo elgg_echo('access'); ?></label>
				<?php echo elgg_view('input/access', array('internalname' => 'access_id','value' => $access_id)); ?>

		if (isset($vars['entity'])) {  
			<input type="hidden" name="guid" value="<?php echo $vars['entity']->getGUID(); ?>" />

		echo elgg_view('input/securitytoken');
		<input type="hidden" name="container_guid" value="<?php echo $container_guid; ?>" />
		<input type="hidden" name="subtype" value="<?php echo $subtype; ?>" />
		<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php echo elgg_echo('save'); ?>" /></p>