title; $body = $vars['entity']->description; $tags = $vars['entity']->tags; $access_id = $vars['entity']->access_id; $subtype = $vars['subtype']; // if nothing is sent, create new, but only new albums are sent here // new images are sent to upload.php } else { $action = "tidypics/addalbum"; $tags = ""; $title = ""; $body = ""; if (defined('ACCESS_DEFAULT')) $access_id = ACCESS_DEFAULT; else $access_id = 1; // logged_in by default $subtype = 'album'; $title = $_SESSION['tidypicstitle']; $body = $_SESSION['tidypicsbody']; $tags = $_SESSION['tidypicstags']; unset($_SESSION['tidypicstitle']); unset($_SESSION['tidypicsbody']); unset($_SESSION['tidypicstags']); } // group or individual $container_guid = page_owner(); ?>

"tidypicstitle", "value" => $title,)); ?>

"tidypicsdesc","value" => $body,)); ?>

"tidypicsbody","value" => $body,"class" => 'tidypics_caption_input')); ?>

"tidypicstags","value" => $tags,)); ?>

container_guid; // should this image be the cover for the album - only ask for non-cover photos // determine if it is already the cover $img_guid = $vars['entity']->guid; $album = get_entity($container_guid); $cover_guid = $album->cover; if ($cover_guid != $img_guid) { ?>

"cover", 'options' => array(elgg_echo("album:cover")), )); ?>

'access_id','value' => $access_id)); ?>