username}"; } if (isset($vars['friend_link'])) { $friend_link = $vars['friend_link']; } else { $friend_link = "{$vars['url']}pg/$type/{$_SESSION['user']->username}/friends"; } // must be logged in to see the filter menu and any action buttons if ( isloggedin() ) { // if we're not on an action page (add a bookmark, create a blog, upload a file etc), or a group page if ( ($filter_context != 'action') && (get_context() != 'groups') ) { $title = elgg_echo($type); $title = "
"; $page_filter = << EOT; // action buttons if(get_context() != 'bookmarks'){ $url = "{$CONFIG->wwwroot}pg/$type/{$page_owner->username}/new"; } else { $url = "{$CONFIG->wwwroot}pg/$type/{$page_owner->username}/add"; } $action_buttons = "" . elgg_echo($type . ':new') . ""; $action_buttons = "
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".elgg_view_title( $title )."
"; $page_filter = ''; $url = "{$CONFIG->wwwroot}pg/groups/new/"; $action_buttons = "" . elgg_echo($type . ':new') . ""; $action_buttons = "
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".elgg_view_title( $title )."
"; $page_filter = ''; } } ?>