<?php /** * Display the latest related comments * * Generally used in a sidebar. Does not work with groups currently. * * @uses $vars['subtypes'] Object subtype string or array of subtypes * @uses $vars['owner_guid'] The owner of the content being commented on * @uses $vars['limit'] The number of comments to display */ $owner_guid = elgg_extract('owner_guid', $vars, ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE); if (!$owner_guid) { $owner_guid = ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE; } $owner_entity = get_entity($owner_guid); if ($owner_entity && elgg_instanceof($owner_entity, 'group')) { // not supporting groups so return return true; } $options = array( 'annotation_name' => 'generic_comment', 'owner_guid' => $owner_guid, 'reverse_order_by' => true, 'limit' => elgg_extract('limit', $vars, 4), 'type' => 'object', 'subtypes' => elgg_extract('subtypes', $vars, ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE), ); $title = elgg_echo('generic_comments:latest'); $comments = elgg_get_annotations($options); if ($comments) { $body = elgg_view('page/components/list', array( 'items' => $comments, 'pagination' => false, 'list_class' => 'elgg-latest-comments', 'full_view' => false, )); } else { $body = '<p>' . elgg_echo('generic_comment:none') . '</p>'; } echo elgg_view_module('aside', $title, $body);